Trump's 2005 tax returns revealed on Maddow, raise many new questions

Damn. I was so hoping something useful would come out of this, but it looks like Teflon Donald will take no damage… again.

I am so depressed right now.


I feel it’s important to monitor it. Their stuff is ground zero for the right wing nutter talking points. Even if people aren’t reading Breitbart, their stuff gets circulated through a whole sewer system of other “news” sites.


Thank you. I wonder if that one can authorize a blanket public release, but respectable 3rd party auditors wouldn’t be out of the question.

Form 8821 authorizes any individual, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership you designate to inspect and/or receive your confidential information verbally or in writing for the type of tax and the years or periods you list on Form 8821. Form 8821 is also used to delete or revoke prior tax information authorizations. See the instructions for line 6, later.

So now we have a touchstone to check if someone says that they publicly released their tax returns. “Did you file a form 8821 on that? I’m a bit of a stickler for paperwork.”


Bear with it. It’ll keep the media talking and pressing on tax returns for a bit. And there’s a chance there’s some bit of info on there that can connect to something else, a lead for all the reporting going on about his sketchy dealings. Also this is the 2nd leak of tax return info, that means they’re out there and can be accessed and moved. Even if this leak was deliberate on Trumps part (get the least sketchy return out without supporting documents or the important parts), that means we can now more readily assume its possible for the important bits to get out.


Thank you! I appreciate the reassurance. :slight_smile:

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Whether that would work would depend on whether Trump already knew what she had…



Standard journalism ethics would require Maddow’s people to contact the White House for comment/response. I can’t be sure how often that practice is followed in the TV punditry game. But Maddow’s usually pretty on the ball in regards to doing her job properly. So one way or the other the White House would likely know exactly what they had, before the story went to air.

ETA: Yes this post is about ethics in (tax) journalism.


I’m just curious to see what they’ll dig up on whatever loans from Russian banks are reported in the returns. If these are personal returns they might not show up, but this grifter takes loans from whoever will give them to him along with a healthy side portion of flattery.

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25% AFTER the 100 million writedown


It’s just a 1040. Information like that would be in the other, supporting documents for the return. And it would probably be in the returns for one of his many business entities. Though some of the supporting Docs from a personal return are sections of, or derived from the business returns (like profit and loss statements for deductions/income calculations).


Is page one of the 1040 (it’s even from 2005!)

This is a sample page 2 not sure what year:

As you can see it really just lists out some basic information about the filer/household. Then lists final numbers from various other forms, and lays out instructions for how to calculate tax owed or refund amount. For a complicated return (like Trump’s likely is) those other forms it’s drawing numbers from are them selves derived from, And supported or explained by further forms. This basically just gives a summary of income earned, deduction amounts, and what have. As used to determine final tax bill or refund amount.



From 10 Mos. ago …


If it turns out there’s clear evidence Trump did initiate the leak, how big of a deal do you think that would be?

On one hand, a pro-wrestling grade smackdown of “journalism”.

On the other hand, cynical manipulative doublespeak straight out of Orwell.

On the gripping hand, a lot depends on whether he cops to it or denies.

No “smackdown of journalism” involved; Maddow openly states that they don’t know the source (it arrived in the mail), and acknowledges the not-unlikely possibility that Trump leaked it himself.

OTOH, it’s not like this would be the first time Trump has been caught feeding bullshit to the press.

No impact then, none now.


Maddow’s been no-selling 45 for weeks now, so if this a worked shoot, it’s not going to hurt her babyface heat. And faces always get a bigger pop when they’re chasing. :smiley:

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No “smackdown of journalism” involved

Well, by “pro-wrestling grade” I meant “obviously faked”. I suppose I should have also put “smackdown” in quotes.

Is there not a limit to how many times he can do this kind of thing? Like where he complained about Obama’s travel and golf, yet he does it more. Or where he promised better, cheaper health care then came up with Trumpcare? Do his supporters find it funny, or are they getting sick of it?


They’re watching Fox, reading Breitbart and listening to Limbaugh. They’ll never even know it happened.


What year did he take the NY State tax break for people earning no more than $50k (or was it $500k?)?

Trump’s 2005 tax returns revealed on Maddow, raise many new questions

Really just one: Where are the latest complete returns? Come on Trumpie, show us the birth certificate tax returns!