More to the point it may have permanently altered how ALL politics is done. Unless the Overton Window (also see my comment here) is permanently moved, the only gold in politics will be Trump’s gold (iron trumpyrites?).
The Dems need to wake up and find their own precious metal. Look at the positive reactions (and if not all positive, look at the discussions and coverage that have arisen) as a result of, for example, AOC’s comments so far. She has also struck some valuable political ore as a result of her “70% tax” and “it is not normal to shut down the govt” comments, among others.
Until the opposition fully realises it cannot and MUST NOT play to Trump’s game, and ignores his base and starts mobilising a new base of its own, there will not be progress. You cannot win back these people, you can only outvote them. They (ETA I mean potential Dem voters) also see something different and will be disillusioned non-voters if the Dems just try to do more of what they did before, however effectively they do it.
This theory is also borne out by Labour’s high vote count at the last UK election, with what was, given the Thatcherite political consensus that has persisted since she rose to power, also a very radical manifesto for our times (much of which could have been a Tory manifesto a scant few decades ago!).
There is appetite out there for new politics and new policies, but little for the old. So in US it is likely to be either GOP/Trumpy-style politics from here on in, or something else new. If the Dems think they can regain power with the same old, same old, they may prove to be deluding themselves. I hope not (almost as much as I hope they try to get a bit radical) but I fear this is now the case.
ActuallyARegular’s comment needs to be a warning to all non-populist/non-authoritarian oppositions everywhere - not just the US. Turkey, Poland, Hungary and UK (Brexit) have all shown that these fuckers HAVE hit political gold, and will not stop mining it until the oppositions find something newer and more shiny. The old stuff is tarnished and cannot be polished.
(I love the sound of an analogy strained and creaking almost to breaking point!)
And while I’m here - reading this is highly recommended on another but related topic. Adapt the headline - “It was never about Trump. Trump is the US’s reckoning with itself” and there is likely a very similar article to be written about what is driving US politics.
Maybe Trump’s victory has never been about support for him and what he stands for, but about what America forgot it was, forgot to continue to be.