With our boots on, Doc.
The facts I’ve started sharing with people to illustrate how this complacency and negativity are actively harming us is some election data from Texas in 2020. In that year’s Presidential election, over 5 million Texans who were registered to vote didn’t. Another almost 5 million who were eligible to vote didn’t register. That’s about 10 million people who could have voted but didn’t. Texas is considered one of the reddest of the red states. A lot of Democratic voters and left leaning voters there have expressed ideas like “What’s the point? My vote doesn’t count here.” Trump beat Biden in Texas in 2020 by less than a million votes. If just 10% of those who could have voted but didn’t, actually voted, Texas could have gone blue in 2020. And the demographics have only improved for Democrats in the four years since. Texas could be flipped. Just like Georgia flipped in 2020. It can happen. But not if people are constantly "what’s the point"ing the idea of voting.
MAGA told its daughters they had to conquer the polls?
Glad to see radical feminism and progressive sexuality so wholly embraced by Christian right though /s
Whenever someone says we’re like Idiocracy, I point out that Hector Camacho was a better president than the Shiatgibbon: he tried to do a good job, and when confronted with a crisis he had no idea how to solve, he tracked down the smartest man on the planet and listened to his advice.
I’m not sure it is real. It’s not actually an official trump account. It claims to repost things from truth social, but the post doesn’t actually seem to be on his truth social, at least not as far as I was willing to scroll. It’s not name, date, timestamped so presumably not actually a Trump post.
My brain’s attraction model doesn’t work like that anyway. With no other information except a general picture of someone, I don’t have much more than a “okay, and?” reaction. Going with the purely visible, clothing, hair style or color, tattoos and other factors indicating personality, beliefs, choices, and personal statements move sway my feeling of attraction very strong. “Oh, a MAGA swimsuit?” pushes someone into a category of unattractive.
(This isn’t a physical judgement from me; I literally can’t separate the two. Someone who is considered “conventionally attractive,” whatever that means, is a hideous ruin as soon as they spout a MAGA talking point as far as my brain is concerned.)
Hey Drumph, Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna isn’t running for president, you are. Post your own swimsuit picture. (But, dear god, blur it or otherwise warn people, because you ain’t nobody’s 10.)
Trump is EASILY a 10 out of 1000
I was thinking the same thing. Heart previously had a C&D against Sarah Palin for using Barracuda and wrote an excoriating joint statement after it was used again at the 2008 RNC.
Somehow I really don’t think they would appreciate their song being used by the Trump campaign to further objectify women.
Add them to the list. Sinead OConnor, Johnny Marr, Rolling Stones, Linkin Park, Black Sabbath, Rihanna, Issac Hayes and Celine Dion have all asked Trump not to use their music.
He can borrow Andrew Tate’s Speedo.
The film’s depiction of collapsed and collapsing infrastructure fairly serves as an allegory for the Trump campaign.
Perfect way for a beach party to combine the BBQ with a good old effigy burning.
/makes note to check, after move, to see if hacking a puke emoji is possible.
I’m sure she got permission to use the song Barracuda in a political promo. Right?
now, you know i am not new here.