Trump's conspiracy theory catchphrase: "There's something going on"

Only by accident. Trump is (and I am not the first to note this) a classic bullshit artist. This is a little different from being a liar because a liar knows he is saying an untruth. The bullshit artist doesn’t care about the truth. He says whatever sounds good and works to his advantage. Actual facts are irrelevant; wild exaggeration is the bullshit artist’s friend (When Mr. Lambert tells you the mattress is 60 feet long, it is really only 2 foot long). For Trump to lie about a fact would suggest he knows the actual fact; and there’s no evidence he ever knows the facts. He just pulls it out of his presumably orange ass.


“there’s something going on. I have no clue what it is, so vote for me.”


It’s post-9/11 American panic blended with good old traditional American White Supremacy, then blended again with the 1930’s “disloyal during WW1” slander against German Jews.

It isn’t coincidental that even mainstream media figures are now openly comparing Trump to historical fascists.

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That’s ok, it is a brilliant song and I haven’t seen that version before.

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Trump does astroturf too?


The best astroturf. Tremendous.

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I hope it’s a shower of profanities, I’m all out of fucks to give for virgin eyeballs, so maybe it can refill my basket.


Hmmm. Not even suspended, just gone like it was never here. I saw a few of its posts, but I suspect I must have missed some good ones. Oh well, there’ll be more tomorrow.

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