Trump's DC hotel hiking prices on the day QAnon thinks he's being sworn in as pres


Looks a little more bland. It works out to a somewhat round number when you factor in sales tax and probably works out nicer once the different sales tax for parking is included.


I just went to the booking site, out of curiosity.
It claims to have rooms for $476 on “regular” nights but when you go to reserve, they’re all $595 on a quick pass through.
Still, generally around $500-$600 a night (which I personally think is insane!) then they jump to the $1331 for a couple nights, with a near $700 on the tail end to milk anyone who maybe couldn’t get a flight out that day.


A few years ago I was in the same situation. Absolutely must book hotels under the per-diem. After-all, I kept getting told, many of the area hotels had a government rate available. However I was a contractor (not a federal employee), so was not allowed to book those government rates. So, for many many trips out, I ended up way, way outside belt, taking the commuter train in every day, which required a rental car just to get to the train station. That really sucked balls. Glad I’m not dealing with that now.


the grift goes on , the grift goes on !
dumbs keep spending money on the con !
la de da de de, la de da de da


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