Trump's dumbest son claims Barack Obama plagiarized him


Google ngrams suggests it’s only been used relatively recently.

Bizarrely, the earliest result from Google books is from the ‘Nigerian Journal of Islam’ in 1975:

Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That’s not the America I know. That’s not the America I value.


The mark of a troll: express outrage at something, then claim you were “just joking” when folks respond to you. It helps keep you in the public eye and your supporters will eat that shit up. “Ha, ha, look how they overreacted at your joke!”

Clearly he wasn’t joking, he tried to play the political snark game and got eaten alive by his failure. He managed to prove he’s an idiot. But the apple doesn’t fall far… like father like… etc, etc,

Hey, I’m just joking, junior! Go shoot some more big game and cool off, sport. Daddy will be along soon to fluff up your trust fund (and I do mean fluff).


Wow, there is so much ging on in that photo!

Discounting the fact that he is standing next to a dead elephant for a second, it is really hard to not look cool wearing safari gear standing on the savanna, yet he manages to look really dumb here, like a special needs kid on a school trip.

Next he is holding the tail of a elephant, why would you do that? That’s not the throphy part right? And who cut the tail off for him? He certainly didn’t do cut the tail himself, that tiny knife he is holding (exactly in the right spot to illustrate it as the penis extender it must obviously be for him) it’s to small and clean for that.

All these things together indicate to me that he roughly had the same amount of influence over the succesfull hunting of that elephant as a kid in a wild-west theme park has over successfully panning for fake gold nuggets. He maybe gets to pull the trigger and take some cool photo’s but no skill whatsoever is required from him. All he has to do is pay.

This of course makes the whole situation only sadder. The image he is presumably going for, of the though big-game hunters we saw in the beginning of the last century has not only been made “not done” and “uncool” because of conservation and ethical issues, he is also totally missing the mark on this tough adventurer image.

What an asshole…

Hold-on! I think I figured out why he’s holding up the elephants tail! It’s the perfect Trump thropy because It’s supposed to be hanging above a giant asshole!


That’s crazy talk.


Holy shit. Is THAT is how the US healthcare system works? They leave responsibility of care to insurance companies? I mean, I’d heard about the privatization and commodification of injury, but…
No wonder so many horror stories crop up each year. Insurance companies cannot be considered competent to determine who gets care and who does not; triage is best left to healthcare professionals.



Yes, it’s sad but true. Insurance companies have nurses on staff who read the case notes and decide (without ever seeing the patient) if the patient is worthy of treatment coverage. If they deny the coverage and the patient does not have the thousands of dollars needed for the procedure, then the patient does not get the treatment.


Now THERE’S a couple of guys who have to pay for sex!


When you’re the trust-fund child of a trust-fund parent, it’s difficult to even comprehend how rough your trust-fund parent had it while growing up.


It’s symbolic of his personal skills as well. Instead of walking up to a person (or beast) and attempting to befriend them, shoot (tweet) from afar and attempt to destroy them. This joker is woefully underarmed for rhetorical combat, of course.


It’s in the Bible. Look it up.

Neuteronomy 4:04

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From Mike Spiegelman:

Donald Trump, Jr. accuses the President of plagiarizing his convention speech. “‘I never knew my father,’ that’s my line,” said Trump, Jr.


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