Trump's impeachable offenses are okay because Wisconsin's economy is good: GOP Rep. Sean Duffy

Wisconsin’s dairy industry has been locked into an unsustainable over-production model based on bad political solutions to a boom-bust cycle industry for decades.

Trump may have lied to them, basically promising that Canada would shut down all its dairy production (a fraction of Wisconsin’s total) in order to keep the plates spinning, but he didn’t invent this problem.


GOP Rep. Sean Duffy - I’d like to invite you to a luxury vacation in the Dominican Republic …


You should think “what’s the worst that could happen?”

And, of course, it would probably not be as bad as what actually happens. Today’s Trumpian reality begs that question really, really hard.

Hitler successfully yanked Germany out of hyperinflation and into full employment.

“Yay Hitler!” - GOP Rep. Sean Duffy


As a non native speaker, I finally get the meaning of “hiding in plain sight”.


Compound interest on brain damage, bruv.

I’m reticent to kill it entirely, because I remain hopeful that we’ll eventually get back to

But I agree it needs to be parked, shelved, or freeze-dried temporarily in some cases.

Well, that will happen 2 months after he leaves office and the short-term bubbles riding the tax breaks pop and the economy collapses into the soapy void. Of course, this will be shortly after a Democrat has taken the helm who then has to slowly, wrenchingly revive the economy back to stability over the shouts of Republicans that they wrecked the economy and are ballooning debt. They’ll get it humming along just in time for President Alex Jones to swoop in to save the poor little rich boys (I mean, current trajectory of Republican candidates, no?)


We had to to destroy civil society in order to save it.

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True civility is a byproduct of a just society. You have to have the latter to have the former.


Civil society has been dead for as long as we’ve been a country. That whole civil war thing wasn’t very civil at all, in fact. Every political generation is full of discord, strife, and incivility. From the murder of workers trying to form unions, to the black lists of the McCarthy era, the racist lynchings, Kent state, and on and on and on.

Pushing civility is just a way of making sure one side has their hands tied behind their back. Fuck civility.


It’s funny how they talk about a good economy, but how good is it? Is it good for every economic level?

Also, how much of that “good economy” is a result of Nostradumbass, and how much is still a result of Obama’s 8 years and policy changes?

It’s never as simple as saying “Things are good - Thank you current President” or “Things are bad - it’s your fault current President.” But of course nimrods like this guy always want to simplify it down.

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It’s true that former-governor Walker’s stupid program to encourage more dairy production caused an oversupply that crippled the industry, but Trump’s trade war (and Mexico’s counter-tariffs of 25% on American dairy) have apparently brought things to a head and finished them off. Trump’s big “triumph” in trade negotiations, which he trumpeted as being so good for US dairy farmers turned out to be a concession on an amount of dairy product that would be produced by a single farm. Trump didn’t just lie about how he was going to solve the problem, he made everything substantially worse.

Meanwhile the trade war has ravaged the rest of Wisconsin agriculture (big jump in farm bankruptcies) and isn’t doing industry any good, either. Then there’s the Foxconn con…




If you insist, please wear protection. I’m sure you are aware who the last person to fuck civility was.


I only use Trump brand condoms. Trump Condoms: gold colored, lubed so America can take it up the ass, and made for tiny dicks but labeled “Jumbo” because reality should be what you say it is, not the truth.


Indeed! If only we could free ourselves of all restraints in the service of justice, such a world could we create.

Oddly enough, I think a civil society tends to breed justice. It’s not a coincidence that Trump, et al, have to abandon civility - injustice is hard to mix with civility (not impossible, but harder). More to the point, I’ve seen a lot of racism that would have been acceptable 50 years ago slowly melt in the face of the demands of civility.

Civil society is a weapon for justice, not a weakness. It grinds slowly, but it grinds exceeding fine.

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