Trump's incoherent rambling on inflation solutions raises concerns

Originally published at: Trump's incoherent rambling on inflation solutions raises concerns - Boing Boing


This is the area that needs to be focused on if you want to flip marginal voters. There are a lot of people that think the economy and/or immigration is the number one issue, and who “reluctantly” support Trump because they mistakenly believe that he is the best candidate to handle those issues.

Donald’s Trump’s policies are massively inflationary, would increase the deficit by $10T, would increase the price of food, and would increase the price of energy. He killed the bipartisan deal to strengthen the border.

The types of issues that put Boing Boing readers strongly in the Harris camp aren’t the issues that will sway the marginal voter. Harris appears to know this well, now we & the media need to showcase articles like this one. Harris opened the debate talking about Trump’s $4,000 tax on everything yet he sloughed that off. It needs to be explained and hammered home.


It was gonna go to numbers that nobody’s ever seen.

Imaginary numbers or irrational numbers?

Calling @FGD135 for a “we’ve seen ALL the numbers!!!” gif


Trump of course wants to “open it up” for more drilling, despite any environmental consequences. He has totally no concern about that.


Back in 2016 this gif was a popular response to Trump supporters who, after he was elected, started to think he might not be exactly fit for the job. I’m not surprised it’s still relevant.



For somebody who brags about having graduated from The Wharton School of Business, he’s a lot like a freshman in college who’s taken one entry-level economics class: He knows a lot of the terminology, has a loose grasp of the textbook theory, and absolutely no comprehension of how it all works in the real world - but he’s absolutely convinced he understands it all. The truth is that his proposed policies are suicidal, but no one around him will tell him so.


The idea that this response is the result of Trump’s ailing brain gives him too much credit. The fact is that he does not know what he’s talking about and has never known what he’s talking about. He bluffs his way through policy questions like a kid who gets called on in class but didn’t do the reading. That might have worked in 2016, but one hopes at least independent voters are wise to this obvious tactic by now.


So we don’t care about the economy here? That’s a load of crap. All of us here care about the economy. That, along with civil rights and the fact that she’s not a fascist, is why I support Harris. All of these issues are important. You’re right that a lot of people are stuck in this mindset that Democrats are bad at the economy, and so that’s why they support whoever the GOP nominee is, even Trump, even thought they may not like him. But interviews like this don’t help, because the interviewer didn’t fact check him. And let him get away with not answering the question, the very thing he’s accusing Harris of doing.


Confused Johnny Depp GIF

Makes perfect sense.

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I get it. The schmuck drives clicks and engagement, but I’d love to start seeing that name a little bit less in the BB feed.

Robert Deniro Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


Not only graduated, but first in his class.


The best numbers!


If he somehow halves the price of oil and gas most US fracking operations become unviable. All that would happen is domestic oil production at $40 - 50 per barrel shuts down whilst the Saudis would carry pumping with their $10 per barrel production cost.

Mind you, he’s probably not even aware that the US is now the World’s fourth largest oil exporter.


He was always in a class of his own. /s


Ob C&H:


Is he suggesting centrally planned economy? He could ask the USSR how well it turned out last time. /S

Again, Tr0mp just shows he knows nothing about stuff coming from his mouth.


Boing Boing praised the book’s vision as “audacious and exciting,” adding that the authors “have outdone themselves with this volume.”

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