Trump's Jewish team-members won't go public on his endorsement of neo-Nazis

Indeed. He is a complicit shitbag and he sucks.


But millions and millions of others do not have the ear of the most powerful person on earth. This one does.


You hit the nail on the head.
And Bannon thinks himself Ozymandias.


Ozymandias ≠ “success story”


Wasn’t he the longest reigning king in history? An unparalleled success IIRC. Still died of course, but that is the point Shelley was making about all human achievements.

Jared Kushner may happen to be Jewish, but primarily he like all of your president’s henchmen, is an arsehole, a money and power grabbing scumbag with no scruples or morals worth the name.


I’m pretty familiar with Shelley’s poetry…

The point stands: Ramses II was a success. If anything human is successful then he is such a thing as the successful human in terms of human power. Time is more successful of course. And more powerful.

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Good for you!

I was referring specifically to the poem, and more recently, it’s resurgence in pop culture; not the actual historical figure.

Good day.


No joke, there is a gas station that has really good sushi near my house. They even deliver. So I understand that 2% margin.


Exactly, They’re no better than kapos, which is what they should be called until they show some guts and denounce him. They’re also idiots, thinking that somehow they’d be spared the worst from those who their boss endorses as “fine people.”


I wonder that too (I mean about myself). I have a nasty feeling that before too long we may all be about to find out.

I used to know a German of Polish descent whose parents were part of the resistance in WW2. The problem was that the Nazi system was so enveloping that there was almost nothing they could do. An example was killing Heydrich; it did nothing to bring the end of the war, or German defeat, any nearer. Another was the plot against Hitler; again it did not accelerate the end of the war but it resulted in the deaths of thousands of people who detested the Nazis and who might have speeded up the final collapse.


Ah, got it, thanks for the clarification (and from @JonS).


I need more cat videos.


I’ve removed a ton of this thread that was derailed by a misogynistic remark.

(And yes, “pussy”, just like “What are you a girl”, is an insult because it suggests the recipient is female. This is blindingly self-evident. And no, I don’t believe the original use in this topic was a reference to the hilarious Team America movie. Move on).

  • “When your enemy falls, do not be happy, and when he stumbles, let your heart not rejoice. Lest God see and it be bad in His eyes and He turn from him [the enemy] His anger.” -Proverbs 24:17-18
  • (Rabbi Ben Azai) would say: Do not disparage anyone, and do not shun any thing. For you have no man who does not have his hour, and you have no thing that does not have its place. - Pirkei Avot ch.4
  • “slowness to anger is better than a mighty person and the ruler of his spirit than the conqueror of a city.” -Proverbs 16:32

EDIT: fixed an auto correct.


Understood, but man, do I hate to see such a good retort get eaten.

At the risk of being pedantic, I think it’s more so that it’s the insinuation that anything female related is “weak;” which is a ridiculous assumption.

In nature, the most vicious predators are often the female of any given species.

And as I stated before, vaginas themselves are not hardly weak.

(Yes, I know Betty White didn’t actually say that but it would have been awesome if she had.)

Back on topic:


Indeed; more succinctly put than I.


You’re just catching on? :slight_smile:


I know it’s not ‘PC,’ but some of my favorite curse words to use in real life ‘meatspace’ arguments with disrespectful men are the very same gendered slurs that they perpetually use against women. Nothing pisses them off more, in my experience.


Interesting Bio Mr.Friedman …

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