Trump's just gonna wing the debates

These are amazing.

Is it possible to not read this in Bernie’s voice?


On that last one: I can’t read it in Bernie’s voice- but I can read it in Larry David’s version of Bernie’s voice.
Close, right?


See that doesn’t seem to have worked. And its increasingly looking like a tactic he’s already abandoned. Though his “what do you have to lose!?” targeted at black voters (allegedly, he keeps giving these speeches to white people) sounds curiously like the “what do we have to lose?” arguments from the burn it all down element of Hardcore Bernie supporters we were hearing from around convention time.

So far as I’m aware ~90% of Bernie Sanders supporters are already supporting Clinton. Those that remain were unlikely to support the DNC or any candidate other than Bernie anyway. And given how we saw people turn on Bernie at the Convention I think its entirely possible they wouldn’t have even supported Bernie come a general election campaign. Now those percentages sound kind of worrying. 10%, 20% ALL THE PERCENTS of Bernie Sanders voters still outstanding! But when you look at raw numbers is actually a pretty small amount of actual votes up for grabs. Too few to move the needle. And largely clustered in states where Trump would need double digit gains just to close the gap. That contingent isn’t enough people to significantly move the needle for Trump. When you look at it that way it isn’t “Trump can win by winning over Bernie voters!” its "Trump can win by winning over a significant chunk of likely DNC voters. And this:

Isn’t going to do that. Its anathema to nearly every Demographic that backs the DNC, including most of those Bernie supporters.

To meaningfully shift the disposition of many states, change the generally close nature of our nation elections etc. That’s what you need to do, peel off significant percentages of the other guys safe ~40ish percent block. And that’s incredibly unlikely. Given the mess over at the GOP its more likely this round that it would go in the other direction. Which seems to be the direction Clinton is going. While she’s not backing off the progressive platform from the primaries. She is very much trying to appeal to anti-trump aspects of the GOP and the right, throwing out an olive branch. Shaming them for putting up with his shit. Trying to get them to grudgingly vote for her, or just stay home.

It makes sense, there are a lot more GOP leaning parts of the electorate that are uncomfortable with Trump, then there are Left wing demos left to consolidate. If you assume the out standing elements of the far left are unwinnable or already lost then it makes even more sense.

I don’t know that the two are mutually exclusive though, and I don’t know that they are handling it just right. Clinton could do more the push back on Johnson and Stein, apparently their 3rd party bids are pulling more from Her than from Trump.


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