Trump's latest senior science nominees are a talk-radio ignoramus and a career poisoner

Yet, just yet. You know the first one that falls, he’ll say the ground was just tilting up to meet it and Hillary caused it to fall. Obama must have done something to the healthcare that made the ground sad. perhaps the ground was on opoids, is that a blue bird? I need a nap.


He just needs to go a LOT deeper. After all, not as if there’s not a LOT of space up there.


The word “TRUMP” has fallen off a few of them lately.


That should be an interesting confirmation hearing. Dems will have a field day chewing him up, and the GOP will deep dive brown nose the guy.


Look on the bright side: at least this one acknowledges that slavery’s a bad thing. The others I’m not so sure about.


While Trump is nominating the worst of the worst and we are all rightfully bashing him for it, don’t forget that these are only nominations. The ones who confirm these nominations need a bit of bashing as well.


And not metaphorically either.

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Let’s hear it for the building codes and regulations that the right wing hates so much.


Yes, according to the TPublicans, slavery was a social welfare program for unskilled blacks who were brought to this country on luxury liners.

That’s bad news for David Cameron, isn’t it.

I keep remembering people telling me that in the unlikely event that Trump somehow managed to win the presidency, he’d get bored and delegate everything to people vastly more competent that he was.



I never knew that! Thanks for that bit of history.

Like he could recognize competence. It’s Dunning-Krueger nation…


Yes, metaphorically. Casual calls to violence are the hallmark of the opposition. I don’t think we want to claim that tactic as our own.

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You’re right; violence is the last refuge, as it were. I guess I was being metaphoric when I said “and not metaphorically either.” :roll_eyes: And angry, especially at the fucking repugnicans’ continued war on science, and everything else that good for regular people. We need to not just complain, but somehow be actively removing these bastards. I just don’t know how, when people keep voting for the creeps. But I think the left is altogether too lame when criticizing them. “Oh I believe the good senator from Kentucky is mistaken when he wants to feed children to a wood chipper.” We should be saying “Look, Senator Turtleface is an absolute power hungry, totally self-centered greedy bastard who is destroying your lives. Here are the things he’s done that directly done affect you in a bad way. Don’t you get it?”

I think we’ve gotten a hint on how to do it from ordinary people at the few town halls that those cowards actually had the tiny balls to go to. Many of the politicians just said condescending things like “Feel better now?” but they are not the only ones the citizens were talking to. Hopefully some other voters took something away from the people who spoke up.

We need to step up the pressure, really fast, before the country is a blasted ruin. If it isn’t already.


Maybe cute memes.
I’m only half-kidding. Energize the people who think life lessons are best seen as captions written on pictures.

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Depends. Is he a witch, or a well-poisoner?

“a career poisoner”

anyone involved in science who takes a post with this administration is a self-administering career poisoner. :wink:


You really learn something new every day. It seems like in some versions/translations/editions Exodus 22 is divided in 30 sub-sections, in some there are 30.

Well, there go my book codes…

In the version I used to check, 22:18 is the one about bestiality; hence the Callmedave reference. (Doesn’t specify whether the animal is dead or alive, so I assume both is Right out!)

In case you’re wondering: I’m dabbling in a little side project; the working title is “Building Codes Through the Ages”. The old testament documents some of the oldest surviving rules.

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He thinks slavery is bad! And he knows about Dred Scott!

He might be overqualified, in fact. Surely they could have come up with a Lysenkoist Flat-Earther?