Trump's name is perfect for him: a "braying, bumptious mountebank" who repeatedly fleeces his gullible marks

Originally published at: Trump's name is perfect for him: a "braying, bumptious mountebank" who repeatedly fleeces his gullible marks | Boing Boing


He provides a good case for re-entering the name in the thesaurus as a synonym for a grifter and charlatan. Preferably with a textbook illustration.


I was glad the actual article was a link bomb that even reminded us of Trump’s pre-presidency crimes. I was expecting essentially anotherf “Guy plays bass to a supercut of Trump saying ‘china’” level of helpfullness. but this is just a nice attention-grabbing headline for something with some purpose.


Related, and interesting

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Yet he’s ruined (along with so much else) a perfectly good word (noun or verb), by his draft dodging grandfather changing it from Drumpf. A charming family at least back two generations (grandpa ran a brothel as part of the Klondike gold rush).

Every-time i try a hand of bridge i wish for another word.


Related to the lede, not the content, but…

I am fascinated by aptonyms in general, and the concept of nominative determinism in particular, even though I don’t think there’s much to it, given stories like that of Winner and Loser Lane. A real story, as far as I can tell, of a man named Winner becoming a criminal, and his brother Loser becoming an NYPD sergeant.


In Japanese, トランプ (“trump”) is the word for playing cards and games that use playing cards. I’m not sure why, but it’s jarring to hear when people are playing cards.

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