Trump's new climate czar has repeatedly and unrepentantly compared efforts to reduce CO2 to Hitler's slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews

He’s on a slippery slope, because if you insist on making that kind of analogy, it’s actually the climate problem deniers who are gassing the rest of us.

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Is nobody recognizing the delicious happenstance that @doctorow is blogging about a case of hyperbole?

P.S. We love you, Cory. Don’t ever change. :heart:


Run this Nazi out.

Aren’t they just perfect? So fucking Republican mens club 1960.

And of course, now they’re ready to double down on the crazy:


To be fair to the guy (who is absolutely an irredeemable asshole) he refused payment and when they insisted he directed them to donate it to some anti-science non-profit bullshittery. He proudly maintains that he didn’t write anything that he didn’t firmly believe in.

One of my old dotard theories: Donnie’s initial group of appointees was pretty awful and their successors would only be worse, even more disgusting. Looks like I was right.


Rule of Acquisition #261:
A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.


I saw that picture and wondered - “If you were to pull that sucker, would the whole hairpiece come out or come unraveled ?”

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