Trump's new pandemic boss Scott Atlas pushes ‘herd immunity’ plan, 2 million+ Americans would have to die

Well that’s part of what I’m on about. The sort of thing they’re talking about pretty much isn’t a thing.

And using the term this way comes from deliberate obfuscation by the alt med industry. The accurate term for what they’re talking about is epidemic or pandemic.

It’s just rebranding the magical thinking about doing nothing and it some how resolving itself.


Why am I surprised that it took them this long to choose this morbid strategy than I am that they thought of it?


Canadian video, but the game plan is always the same.


Advisor: Mr. President, in order for this strategy to have a chance of working we’d have to allow a death toll equivalent to the entire populations of Seattle, Denver and Boston combined.

Trump: Good riddance! I like this plan.

Advisor: Or, um, a death toll equivalent to the combined populations of North Dakota, Alaska and Wyoming.

Trump: That’s a TERRIBLE idea! Those places all voted for ME! Let’s go with the first plan!


People have been guillotined for less insensitive comments about cake.


Now he’s saying that he’s not saying it. wink-wink.


Wow. Holy shit, saying the quiet part out loud! “The faster they die, the faster we get back to making money!”


To be entirely too fair, he’s saying (poorly) that child to adult and adult to child transmission is rare. Which is… totally and completely wrong? From like, any actual study?
The FAR more outrageous thing he says right after that is that kids have no risk from this disease. I’d go get some links for the child death count, but I can’t look that up. But I’m so old, I remember when this was a thing:

Poor oneboxing:

For Parents: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19

Is this not a thing any more? Did we conquer this?
Also, too. The kid in Florida(?) that lost both his parents to covid 3 days apart? That seems like a super bad risk?



I don’t like the fact that we can legitimately discuss if it is close enough to Holocaust numbers. The comparison should be easily dismissed as hyperbole but the situation has been so fucked up that it is is the ballpark for numbers with this “plan”. I don’t think we are close in evil yet however that may also be subject to debate.

Also it is not just the dead residents of the United States but also the ones that die elsewhere from both direct spreading of the virus and the anti science/medicine propaganda.


I can’t believe this man said that out loud.

Sure sounds like he wants people to die, to me.

Who promoted this sack of petulant garbage? Oh yeah.
That explains it.


It’s still an unacceptably high number. 200,000 is an unacceptably high number.


6 million ARE the Jewish victims. With others, the number is much higher.


Interesting that the Torygraph are reporting that. Seeing as they utterly failed to call the Tory government to account for precisely that bait and switch in the early days of the pandemic (they backtracked when Al Johnson got sick (because he wasfat apparently, not because he went around shaking hands in a hospital with Covid) and the odd time since.


I think that’s just cover so that he can say “Ha! Those hysterical lefties keep saying that I said that. [Narrator: He did]” and avoid answering the actual question.

He’s a big deal at the Hoover Institution, which was the source of the “kill grandma!” stuff in March, and there’s no way that he wouldn’t have been involved in that.


Oh I’m not doubting his bona fides as a murderous right wing scumbag. It’s just funny that the house newspaper of the English Tory party is running this. Dominic Cummmings, de Pfeiffel Johnson’s advisor (ie the guy who does the work whole So runs around getting superinjunctions and failing to be a father to his uncounted children) did exactly this: said it but said he never said it.

I suppose it’s funny how they think they are so much better than Trump and the Republicans, despite the actual evidence.


Negligent genocide


We do have another name for it. Its called “giving up and letting the disease kill us all.”


In theory, as a strategy, it involves flattening the curve and trying to protect the most vulnerable until enough of the population have been infected to slow its spread, but in this case, yeah, that’s exactly what it means.

In another administration, I might believe he was misquoted or a statement was taken out of context or whatever. In this administration, I’m instead certain that just means the publicly stated policy differs from the actual policy.

It is pretty low. Less than a third of a percent of all deaths are children, and in identified pediatric covid cases, the mortality rate was less than 1% (in some states 0%, but in some areas, not that much less than 1%). If we’re talking about 80% of the population being exposed, that ends up being a lot of dead kids though, plus that kind of obscures other issues. I recollect a NY Times article from a few months back profiling children who had been sickened by covid, all of whom survived - but the thing was, they got really damn sick. One had his heart stop while sitting at home with the family. It’s a bit of a miracle he did survive. The kids didn’t exactly come through unscathed. We don’t know how many of the total cases - even the asymptomatic ones - will end up with permanent organ damage as a result.


He’s affiliated with the Hoover Institute: whose alumni have made notable contributions, such as advising Suharto and Pinochet on economics (Milton Friedman), justifying torture (Condoleeza Rice), and selling out Britain to the world (Margie Thatcher).


Which could be because they’re kids or could be because they’ve been largely isolated with school shut-downs and remote learning. A smarter country would get better data here before re-opening schools, but nope, we’re just gonna run that experiment in real time regardless of the carnage.