Trump's new pandemic boss Scott Atlas pushes ‘herd immunity’ plan, 2 million+ Americans would have to die

yeah, there’s nothing good about this. A loathsome person with awful provenance…

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AAP data, but worth noting that long term effects, when it comes to pediatric cases, are truly long term, as in change the trajectory of your life.

Yeah, anyway, depending on region, anywhere from 0.0% to 0.7% mortality, but that is such a tiny piece of the impact, and we won’t know for a very long time how bad it really is.


but the whole point of wanting to be immune is to avoid getting the disease :confused:


But if you deliberately give your children a dangerous disease while they’re young and moldable, and they do survive they’ll come out of it even stronger.

Also something about autism. Also AIDS.


Something something homeopathy, too.


That’s what I originally meant by saying that it’s the same order of magnitude.

I know, that’s why I said “Holocaust victims” instead of “victims of Nazi regime”. I was genunely surprised that Holocaust definition is changing, but changing it to mean all victims of mass murders done by the Nazi regime is the right thing to do.
Some places still have the old definition (and IMO should be updated too): Holocaust (disambiguation) - Wikipedia

The Holocaust was a genocide during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered approximately 6 million European Jews.

I think the evidence pretty clearly indicates kids are less impacted by the virus in terms of illness and death, but given that kids readily spread it to each other, and as @docosc points out, it can have a life-long impact for survivors, reopening schools and letting it run rampant means the sheer numbers will cause the deaths and chronic illnesses to add up. (Not to mention the impact on their families - the number of children orphaned by covid, for instance…)

(This is going to cause a lot of unforeseeable knock-on effects in society. It’s been pointed out that the US already has a problem recruiting soldiers that meet the mental and physical requirements - it’s going to be even harder if a whole generation are plagued by heart problems. Which means the size of the standing army will likely decrease, for example…)

“I’m afraid the virus permanently damaged the children’s lungs, hearts, brains, kidneys and other organs…”
“It’s good for 'em! It builds character!”


Where does my President get these Vampires from. Bring back the Swamp Creatures.


“Government doesn’t work; vote for me and I’ll prove it!”


It’s not, as far as I know. It still refers to the Jewish victims of the Nazis. Who said it changed?


@RigelT said so earlier in the thread, the Wikipedia article he linked says so too, and to be sure I also checked on Merriam webster dictionary and it also defines victims of Holocaust as both Jewish and non-Jewish victims of Nazi mass murders:

I remember that previous definitions of Holocaust included only Jewish victims. I tought you were correcting me too, but now I’m confused.

I was surprised by the Gays too. Many Gay Germans died in the Holocaust. Who else, hmm… Gypsy come to mind. Still more than Scott Vampire wants so I guess we’re making progress? /s


My understanding has also been that the term refers to everybody they murdered, with the Jewish being the majority of the victims.


No, I was merely noting the number of Jewish people killed (which historians agree was about 6 million). If you add in non-Jewish people, the number is higher.

That point is debated by historians.


I’m not a historian but I’ve read their works. They were all in the same camps, weren’t they?.
HTF did I get this far off-topic?

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Because current events keep running obnoxiously adjacent to such things?


6 million is the number I had in mind writing my original comment. 2+ million and 6 million are the same order of magnitude, 2+ and 17 million not really.

Thank you! This explains conflicting definitions.

Also between 1.8 and 3 million non-Jewish Poles.

That was my original point. While administrative decision leaving 2 million citizens dead is obviosly not yet close to Holocaust, add a few such decisions and body count will get there.


any idea why @74hc595?
Was it the light bulb joke?

Back on topic: He seems nice but the first thing he did was reduce overtime and remove mailboxes (Transfer and Delivery) with no USPS experience. I find this hard to process if you are trying to increase sales?

Historians argue over everything.

Don’t forget Slavic people, communists, the disabled, etc.

The point was to create a purified German/Aryan “race”. Anyone who did not fit that or who opposed it had to be either pushed out or, failing that, murdered.

I think you’re confusing Atlas with DeJoy.


I am.
Okay. Let’s see…
The USA has lost 187,183 citizens died as of now. He doesn’t have long to wait if this keeps up.

Thanks for the tap @Mindysan33.

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