Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/25/trumps-restaurants-cockro.html
His hypocrisy knows no bounds.
None of the cabinet want to eat in US restaurants ever again because…
Waiter, there’s a very strange, long, not possibly human, blonde hair in my soup!
I’m reveling in the startling obliviousness of “dirty on the outside, dirty on the inside.”
As some internet wit put it after Trump’s ‘shithole countries’ remark, “before today if you googled ‘Trump’ and 'Shithole” all you’d get would be restaurant reviews"
I’d’ve kicked her out too, and it has nothing to do with my politics.
I’ll spell it out though it makes me a bit uncomfortable to do so.
One has to support ones staff, and where does US restaurant staff come from?
Rock, meet glass house. SHS traveled 3 hours to eat at a filthy dirty restaurant? As usual tRump is full of shit.
Idiots harassing a restaurant with a similar name in Ontario, Canada seem to think she traveled even further than that to do so.
The best quote I saw regarding Trump, Sanders and the Red Hen was "Generations from now our history books will show the president’s spokesperson was refused service at a restaurant, and he responded by saying ‘they need a paint job.’ "
That goes for POTUS’es too.
Slime mold? That’s the taste of freedom! (Well done with ketchup.)
Not to mention the obliviousness of referring to Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a “fine person” when “very fine people” more or less means Nazis now.
It must be nice to be retired and have time to hang out on twitter all day.
His entire administration and businesses.
Unsurprising that Cons want to deny service to anyone based on sexual orientation or religion, but think that conservatism should be a protected class of some sort…
Well what else would one expect other than for Trump to care more about what something looks like. I mean he’s basically Eric Cartman from Southpark as an adult.
Asshat is never a protected class.
Yes, this is a complete sentence.