Trump's tiny sausage fingers too small to mask his "how to human" crib-sheet for mass shooting presser

Let’s be honest, out of respect for the people he’s talking to, following a script is an infinitely better idea than him winging it.


…Except, per usual, he failed to follow the script. That only had 5 elements, for the sake of f*ck >.<’.


Don’t forget to make sure the school librarian is equipped with a silencer.


Shhhh! This is a phukking li-brary!


I prefer the Nancy Pearl librarian-with-shushing action, myself. I gave my mom that one AND the Crazy Cat Lady action figure set (with bonus cats!) as well. I got a bemused, happy glare, the 1st and only one of its kind I have harvested in my life, so far xD.

I got the Einstein figure for myself but now want the Wittgenstein and Poe versions, as well.


I’m still lmao - that is sooooo good!

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That’s okay, they’ll fund it out of that military budget bump.


Oh god, I wet myself.

And remembered this - to swing us back on topic:

(Do States have limits on limiting cats from obtaining firearms? Asking for a friend (Mark Davidson, if you must know)


@beschizza Please can we let Mark come back so we can playz?


These nimrods are seriously suggesting we should have higher security expectations for our schools than for our military installations.

Something tells me they’re actually wishing public schools were more like military installations/prisons, rather than the liberal breeding grounds they fear they are.


Or even better for the right, just use the science education budget for it :wink:


Sans funding, of course.


Another Hatchling Massacre

Out of all the mass shootings in recent years, not one was prevented by an armed citizen despite all the Walter Mitty’s out there, and despite the huge gun ownership.

I applaud Emma Gonzales and those other kids, it really is time the millennials got out and voted them out.


And there was an armed guard at Columbine, and I believe in Florida.


And at Virginia Tech and Las Vegas and many other sites of mass shootings we could name.


I keep reading gun-fondlers claiming that if only they were at that school with their gun, they could have stopped it! There were armed police at a number of the schools shot up, including this one, that changed absolutely nothing; they obviously have no deterrent value (especially given that most mass shooters kill themselves). But I’m assuming they meant that having a gun gave them magical powers - to know when a shooter was appearing on campus, teleport them in front of the shooter and psychically know who the shooter was before he opened fire. Also that, unlike every other trained professional, they would be able to hit the would-be shooter (and only the would-be shooter, in a crowd of children), unlike the usual 18% hit rate for police. I always thought these guys had Hollywood action movie fantasies, but I’m realizing I’m wrong - they have fucking wizard fantasies. They think having a gun turns them into Harry goddamned Potter. Given that, questioning who’s going to pay for arming and training teachers or how safe classes will be when they all have guns floating around in them seems like superfluous criticism.

I’ve seen people suggesting that we have the same security expectations for schools as military installations, police stations or federal buildings. They consistently focus on there being a person with a gun, rather than the fact that these institutions are in spaces that were also designed from the ground up with security in mind, with limited entrances, lots of locked doors, impenetrable walls, etc. I read a recent letter to the editor suggesting that schools should be like banks, but failing to mention that the protection offered by banks involved protecting the valuables behind locked vaults…


50 million schoolkids. Fewer than 50 schoolkids shot (even fewer killed) each year at school (in the worst decade ever - which is the one we’re in). So a kid could expect to attend school for over a million years before being shot (on average). Each death is a terrible tragedy, but we need to stop scaring the shit out of these kids.

If you really want save childrens’ lives, provide them with better food, insist they get more exercise, get them vaccinated, tighten environmental legislation and insist that they wear a helmet when being driven around in cars. School shootings are a (very regrettable) rounding error in the hierarchy of things that are killing our children.


Remember that scene in Kindergarten Cop where Arnold is getting ready for his first day going undercover as a Kindergarten teacher and his partner has to remind him to take off his gun?

A sizable portion of America actually takes issue with that scene.



Have you been to an American Embassy lately?

That’s not a prison, it’s an US Embassy. I’m guessing this is what they want schools to look like.


“Gun-fondlers” isn’t bad, but I prefer “ammosexuals”.