Trump's travel and security estimated to cost half a billion dollars for 1 term

He promised that everything would be yuuuge. So I guess he’s just keeping his word?


I had that in mind along with :slight_smile:

First hole, 12km dog-leg right, Par 150, hazards include road-trains, snakes, heat, cattle and serial killers.


They’re mostly on parklands, which can’t be used for housing anyway. There’s quite a cluster of private courses around Lake Merced, but the western neighborhoods are notoriously bullheaded anti-development NIMBYs. Even getting ParkMerced built was probably a Sisyphean task.

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Hell, if he wants to spoil a good walk, he can just stroll around the white house lawn while considering the points people have made a to why he’s unqualified to be president.


The numbers don’t add up. It’s way more than half-a-billion for a term, for all taxpayer expenses. $1 million a day just for Trump tower - and is that just the city’s expenses? That alone is almost one-and-a-half billion dollars over the term, surely? On top of which goes the Florida travel, on top of which goes his fortnightly campaign-style rallies, which must be even more expensive, since it involves travel to different public locations which much be blocked off and protected. We’re talking multiple billions, orders of magnitude beyond what Obama cost, and sufficient to pay for many of the programs that Trump wants cut. This isn’t just absurd, it’s obscene.

I was reading that, as a result of Nixon, rules were put in place limiting how many properties the Secret Service were supposed to protect, and what sort of maximum expenses were allowed. This absolutely violates those rules, but I’m not sure who enforces them.

Well, he’s not paying for any of it. In fact, some chunk of the taxpayer money goes to Trump - to rent the high-priced real estate in his tower and at his resort to ensconce the Secret Service. If he was still using his plane, they’d have to pay for rides on that, too, like during the campaign.

Edit: And I’m forgetting about the costs of protecting all of Trump’s kids and ex-wives. All their international travel is creating extensive costs that didn’t exist for previous first families.


Yep. Remember that every day Drumpf is materially, personally, financially benefiting from the security being provided at Drumpf Towers, and every weekend down at the Winter Palace he directly financially benefits some more.

Your tax dollars at work.

I suspect there’s going to be a few amendments passed to curtail the president’s Freedom of Action and Freedom of Maneuver under the next administration. Heck, most people liked Roosevelt, but he was still the cause of the 22nd Amendment.


I’d love a link if you can find it.

It’s probably moot though. All he has to do is invite some dignitary or Florida politician and call it an official meeting and presto, it’s not leisure travel.


There was something about in the NYTimes a couple months ago. Basically, due to the SS providing protection at multiple Nixon properties, they instituted rules that limited it. So it shouldn’t matter what he’s doing there - it’s still multiple, private Trump properties for which the SS has to provide security.


Ever see Nixon’s Secret Service uniforms?

Apparently the uniforms still exist; has anyone told Trump about them?


The nudity of flesh will blush, though tameless
The extreme nudity of bone grins shameless
The unsexed skeleton mocks shroud and pall (The City of Dreadful Night).

Trump is Skeletor.



For a billion we should just buy the whole damn thing, spend nothing for the security detail to stay there and have better security. Except his unit of course.

Then - after he’s out of office either sell them or make those a camp for at risk youth.


Poor misunderstood Trump. He’s obviously infiltrating the elite to properly drain the swamp. He is fighting the good fight for the little man after all … right?

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Well, this should reduce security costs. [/s]


far, far, far, right.


OK, that’s brilliant! Who would have thought there’d be something interesting, constructive, and energy-saving to read about in this thread, of all places?


I didn’t even have to look at the URL, or the poster, to know that HAD to be in Australia. :wink:

Some day. I just want to be able to spend real time there once I’ve made the trip, so it’s not easy to plan with all the usual adult obligations at home.


a-hole in the middle and circle of jerks? Sounds like an entourage-a-lago.


The players carry a little square-foot bit of astroturf to stick under the ball each shot. In summer, they play at night with glow-in-the-dark balls and flags.


Oh man, that’s right up in his dictator aesthetic.

Since he’s privatizing the Secret Service, I’m sure that’ll be the case, soon…

It’s been suggested that it be taken to pay for NY city costs. I definitely like the idea.