Tucker Carlson is now considered a "co-host" on Russian State TV

Wouldn’t Murdoch have to be an American for it to be called treason?

I know this won’t be popular here, but I feel obligated to mention that while he liberal super-elites (Noam Chomsky, for instance, the DemocracyNow crew) feel bad for Ukrainians, we still think a buffer between NATO and Russia is the only way to avioid WWIII. This opinion is also promoted by the smartest Reagan era guy on the topic- eg the US Ambassador to Russia, who helped us avoid WWIII during the Cuban Missile Crisis too, translating in Moscow. His name is Jack Matlock… I highly recommend challenging your existing views, if only for a few minutes, with this ariticle:

err… search democracynow [dot] org matlock should take you o an article called " Ex-U.S. Ambassador to USSR: Ukraine Crisis Stems Directly from Post-Cold War Push to Expand NATO"

Murdoch is a dual American and Australian citizen.

And yes, the Useful Idiot/tankie position that NATO is to blame for Russia’s expansionist invasion of a neighbouring sovereign nation isn’t popular here, mainly because it’s ridiculous.

For more, please see the following two discussions:

[Also, this topic should have been closed months ago]