Tucker Carlson says kids in masks is "child abuse" and if spotted, "call police immediately"

At this point I’m pretty sure that he’s just working to troll the left. What would his viewership numbers be at without the rage-watchers?

Jesus, this is actually monstrous. It’s going to have such horrific outcomes and he has to know that. Not just those involving the authorities, but the kind that come from insane Tucker Carlson viewers seeing responsible child care as abuse and taking direct action. I would be very surprised if there weren’t any deaths as a result. At the very least there’s going to be a hideous amount of misery and harassment coming from this.

One would like to think so, but unfortunately there’s plenty of evidence that it doesn’t work that way. There’s a history, for example, of internet trollies targeting individuals and making anonymous calls about imaginary “child abuse” leading to bad outcomes. Assuming the cops (who, let’s face it, are highly likely to be Carlson viewers themselves) weren’t actually sympathetic to those making the reports and as a result either harass the parents or otherwise indulge the callers, many of the callers aren’t going to specify what kind of “abuse” is going on (or will even lie about it). So tons of parents will suddenly have abuse claims against them that will be taken seriously by the authorities, even though they’re nonsense. Children will be taken away from parents, at the very least.

And they won’t just cause problems by involving the authorities, either - Tucker is giving them a justification to get involved directly, too. It’s “child abuse”! He’s addressing Qanoners. They can rationalize any sort of response to that - even violence - and feel righteous. The more I think about this, the more upset and angry I’m becoming.

It’s not the least bit irrational. This is truly horrific and will directly lead to harm. It’s completely rational to be upset.

I assumed it was deliberate, as it’s a completely appropriate way of describing the advertisers for that fucking snake, spewing his venom. (Apologies to actual snakes.)

Gods, I hope so. Fucker getting sued into oblivion is what we need right now.

Honestly, it’s the only thing that would explain him.


Even if Tucker is only trolling and doing this for attention, he also knows that a non-zero number of his viewers will see it as their solemn quest in pursuit of But Muh Freedom to start fights with complete strangers over something that absolutely has no effect on them. Which will then lead to cell phone videos of these interactions, which Tucker will play, leading to more attention for him.


And someone will eventually sue Carlson, and win.


He’s wrong about all of this, obviously, and an extremely destructive conniving idiot, but I would like to point out that covid transmission outside in open air is, in fact, extraordinarily rare, with or without masks, even at fairly dense concentrations of people. I wouldn’t want to be maskless in a large crowd in a city center, but basically anywhere else the risk is so low as to be meaningless unless you’re already at current-India-level rates of active cases.

Uh, 2017-2021 begs to differ.


I think the issue is longer and wider than you might be aware of.


True, just about every chapter in the (non propaganda) history books is a note on such “accomplishments.”

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You’ve a heart of gold.


Citations, please? And only from ACTUAL MEDICAL SOURCES.


Sideways with hot sauce.




This is a good time to remind everyone that this human pustule doesn’t need advertisers. The network is making their money off of subscriber fees. Millions of people who never watch the channel subsidize it monthly. That’s why boycotts are ineffective in this case.


A pineapple covered in fire ants!

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but this also presupposes that a person hasn’t just come from inside, is about to go inside, is using public or shared transportation, doesn’t have other underlying health conditions, etc. etc.

there’s no reason at all to be concerned or worried about someone wearing a mask outside. it’s not going to harm you if they do, and it can only help you if they do.

i wear a bandana when i go running, and if i get on a close trail i put it on - and if im nowhere near people i pull it off. nobody wants me breathing on them, so why would i?

yup. that’s spot on. and armed with a new “official” talking point, they’ll keep pushing further.

it’s going to be a long summer i think


I agree on all counts! It’s none of my business and no harm to me if other people wear masks outside, and I always have mine in case I have to be close to anyone for a while!


If you see Tucker Carlson in public, please ask him politely to go suck a hot tailpipe until he’s dead.
Satirically, of course.


People do that? Eww. Hard pass.

@Shuck: It’s impossible to disagree on the outcomes you foresee. At this moment, I am very glad to be living in a county that would come down hard on idiots following Carlson’s “advice” - infection rates are down from 2 weeks ago when we were the US’s “hot zone”, but we’re not out of the woods, by any stretch. Neither is anywhere else in this country.


Sounds like he wants to cancel masks.

Also, he must be a lot of fun on Halloween.


Kinda tragic, watching someone jump a shark, somehow unaware they have jumped the shark.