Good first step for Don Draper.
So not surprised that the CIA turned down his application. For reasons I’m sure.
It’s funny the lessons some teachers unintentionally teach you.
Great reference, amazing song.
If that proves to be the case, Carlson will be looking for a new job.
We all saw what you did there @frauenfelder!
I believe these are made-up college groups. I went to Trinity and I knew others who put invented societies in their yearbook entry. If the yearbook staff asked you about it you could just say “it’s a secret society.” So this was a way for Tucker to slip his homophobia into the yearbook without the yearbook committee knowing.
That was my guess too.
Really? Because this new revelation is just more FOX channel cred that he didn’t have before. Murdoch will appreciate the bonus hate and give him a raise.
I haven’t followed the thread, but the real question is if you are part of a specific society to state you have had to do something to get into it. Most murder cults/clubs usually require members to do the same thing. For the Dan White Society, I’m sure it was to kill in cold blood another homosexual.
So, who did Tucker Carlson kill? What homosexual did shoot in cold blood? Or is he another weak-willed-white-crybaby that wishes he has the guts to kill homosexuals? And still, he is on TV? Maybe that is the question we should be asking his sponsors.
Considering that the two organizations Tuckus cited are almost certainly fictitious, that makes him not only a homophobe and a racist, but also a fraud. Not that that’s a surprise to anyone.
I still want to start “asking” the question.
How and from whom? Law and Order: Yearbook Squad? I was the “victim” of a yearbook prank, no big deal, really, but there were exactly zero ways to deal with it. The student staff had graduated and would not be returning, and the faculty adviser said “gosh, I’m sorry, this was not a good idea” and expected me to leave his office after that. Even knowing exactly who did it was no help, because “how can you be sure it was that person, just because they are the only one who dislikes you on the staff?”
To my knowledge Tucker Carlson hasn’t ever claimed that he was the victim of any such prank. Everything Tucker Carlson has ever done supports the theory that he is exactly the kind of bigot who would have provided such “joking-not-joking” information about himself in a college yearbook.
Thus far we have zero reason to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
If this were a prank by the yearbook staff, it would still indicate that Carlson was thought of as a raging homophobe/nazi by his fellow students.
I have no idea if this is real or not either.
But none of these preconditions for it being real would surprise me:
That Carlson and even one other classmate participated in or created a “social club” inspired by their racism, bigotry, and theories of white supremacy.
That such a club existed at his elite boarding school at the time he attended.
That Tucker Carlson’s “conservatism” has always been rooted in racism.
I’m giving him nothing of the sort. I’m responding to the idea that if this were a prank, there was some mechanism for punishing the pranksters.
In my experience, this is not so.
Your experience may be different.
Excellent exposé.
So you’re going off topic based upon someone else’s unsupported hypothesis - go start your own thread if that’s what you wish to discuss instead.
Wow, I am so happy that at least in some circles Bongwater is more prominent than Helms!
It’s a sing-along!!