Originally published at: Turns out a Proud Boy defense witness is a secret government informant | Boing Boing
Whoodathunk a bunch of traitors would turn on one another?
You’d think people whose worldview is based on fear and paranoia might be a bit more skeptical. Especially if they know how this shit works:
ETA: Anyone have any ledes on the nature of the information and why they were called by the defense?
“Okay, hands up anyone who wasn’t an informer? Anyone?”
The Proud Boys and cops recruit from the same group of people. I’d imagine there are plenty of leos joining the group whether to inform or support, and plenty of boys eager to inform so they can feel like they’re a cop
And plenty of flipping from one to the other when they get caught criming.
It takes a special type of stupidity to join an ideology known for attracting backstabbers and snakes in the grass.
i hope that was legal and doesn’t cause a mistrial
So it turns out there WERE government agents involved in the riots, just like TFG says! Only, oops, they were on the team insurrection.
Any idea about whom he was informing on?
I mean, he’s been wildly inconsistent in his pronouncements, but one of the key components of his arguments has been that all the high ranking proud boys members were actually government informants attempting to coerce others into doing illegal things. Like when the FBI sends people around mosques, and the whole COINTELPRO movement. It’s not like the government doesn’t have a history of giving criminals the tools , intelligence, and tactics to commit crimes only to turn around and sweep them all up later.
I don’t buy that all of them were government informants, but with the prosecution keeping it under wraps for six months or longer, that does make me wonder if these people are getting a fair trial.
yeah, i thought Tarrio himself was an informer. so who was this informant informing on? talk about a tangled web.
As Rob wrote in the summary:
It appears they didn’t turn him until a couple months after the insurrection, so he was not acting as an agent provocateur during the riot. That means anything he said or did during the insurrection was of his own agency, including inciting his co-conspirators to act.
Come on. This informant didn’t start informing until 3 months after Jan 6. And Tarrio has been essentially a double-agent, reporting to the feds and learning from them in equal parts.
Finally, the strike teams on Jan 6 from the PBs and Oathbreakers were getting orders from Trump sycophants like Stone and Bannon, not giving orders.
ETA: @jaded
Eventually one poor sucker will end up in a “I drink your milkshake, Eli!” situation when they realize they’re the only one left who hasn’t ratted and they’ve got nothing of value left to bargain with.
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