Twin strangers from Ireland and Sweden meet

I might have mentioned before that I grew up with my doppelganger…
He was a year ahead of me in school, so teachers often called me by his name. Our mothers even got us confused. In the late teen/early 20’s we often got hugs and kisses from strange young women at local watering holes, parties, etc.
After we turned ~20, we started to diverge.
Somehow his Polish + Italian = my Swedish + French + a wee bit of Irish.


I think this is a case of finding the absolutely best match (from what must a relatively limited selection of users of their site) and using it for promotion.

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Is life inside the bubble hard?


Weird Al looks a lot like Russell Brand, I guess. (or Tim Minchin?)

I thought you looked more like Nick Offerman, or John Hodgman?

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While I deeply respect their work… I am hotter.

Lumberjacks want to look like me, and English gentlemen want to be me.


I have a doppleganger wandering around the major city by me. A long term girlfriend, and long term roommate both spotted him at different times and places and thought I was ignoring them.


All white people look pretty much the same, so this doesn’t seem too unusual.


I accept your compliment, and give you a mighty hug.

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I’ve had a15 minute convers… shouting match in a club trying to convince a group of people that I am not ‘Johnny’s wee fuckin’ brother’. Apparently in the early naughties my exact double was walking around town having a similar conversation with some of my vague acquaintances.

Also, once whilst walking out and about I spied my friend Mike zooming by on a bmx and called him over with ‘Mike, how the bloody hell are you?’ and it wasn’t until I had gotten to the third or fourth sentence that I realised it wasn’t him. Dude was called Mike as well, probably wondered what the hell was going on. The thing that tipped me off? No throat tattoo. smh


I’ll see your hug, and raise you a merry smack on the backside. :smile:


Want to know what’s a little strange?

My cousin is my doppelganger. It’s a close enough match that his friends have started conversations with me thinking I’m him.


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Especially at those … interesting … neighborhood parties he’s been going to lately.


#not since i looked in the mirror this morning

BROTHER!!! Come here, give me a hug.

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I’ve spent too many years helping other people by using autosomal DNA testing in conjunction with conventional paper genealogy (made much easier in some ways thanks to the internet), so when I read stories like this my mind immediately jumps to the possibility that one of those mothers might know WHY her son looks so much like the other mother’s son. If you both did DNA testing and it turned out that one of you didn’t have the ethnic heritage you thought, a childhood mystery could be resolved!

Obviously that’s not the only explanation, but with DNA testing these stories are becoming a regular feature in our chat forums.


Yeah really, what are the odds of THAT? :wink:

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It was basically Cirque de Soleil, with more clothes!