Twitter gives Elon Musk a pass on coronavirus disinformation tweets

As with FB, I feel stupider with every encounter I have with Twitter. When the internet first took off back in the '80’s, I thought I was present for some world-changing dynamic. I suppose I was, but things didn’t pan out as well as I thought they might. It has served to magnify human brilliance, and make connections previously impossible between diverse individuals and groups of people, but it surely has also shown us our ginormous collective and individual stupidity and ignorance, and subsequently done little to alleviate it. I do look forward to the day (probably not in my lifetime) when FB and Twitter goes the way of the tulips.


I think you’re giving him too much credit here. I’m not going to speculate on any possible mental condition Elon Musk may or may not have, but this kind of “everyone’s stupid compared to me, I can and will solve any situation I wish right now if necessary, praise me, praise me more” is the kind of approach he’s had to everything so far. Traffic congestion? We’ll just dig tunnels to travel super fast, starting tomorrow, guys get on it stat! Fake news? I’m launching a site I’ll call, uh, “pra-duh” hahaha, guys, get on it stat, I want to see the design tomorrow! Kids trapped in a cave? I’ll make a sub to get them out over the weekend. Coronavirus? I’ll just make more ventilators and create a vaccine while I’m at it, guys, get on it stat, I want to see the first ventilators ready in two days. I don’t think he’s even reached the point of being scared or anything - I think he seriously believes that he’s doing the world a service by fixing things nobody else can, and he has serious delusions of grandeur about who he is and what he can and should do.

This is a satirical but I think quite accurate take on Musk:

I’m really sad about that, too. I think Spot and Atlas are pretty damn cool, and they can be so useful in a number of situations. I honestly don’t understand the people freaking out over them. (Yes, they can be used for bad things, so is everything else under the sun…)


Somebody’s number of followers on Twitter - that’s your benchmark?


This is the Dunning-Kruger effect at work: Americans have no clue what it actually takes to be considered a “successful person”. Trump’s success is a very good example.


Moral Calculus is great.

Add up human good and subtract human bad. And if it equals a positive number then we good!

Like when a majority of people decide to enslave a minority !

I mean … its fucking maths! How could it be wrong ?

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Nice pick! And…I should be watching Some More News on …YT maybe. And probably 10 shows on Hooboy. Wanted to mention the thing with having funded testing with …Narfimycin or something and 500mg of h-chloroquine a day (adults of the one mass, I guess) seem to be legit working 93pct. of the time.
All a matter of what kind of zombies come out of each bespoke process, I suppose?
[Comic fingers crossed for electro-gigantuar…with imp launcher…then maybe not]

hydrochloroquine more believable than doing jigsaw puzzle with Mike Pence’s wife, that’s where I’m at. And young kids were moooostly not getting this thing, so boy am I gonna give those outliers a talking to once I figure out what makes the hurting stop etc.

ETA: h-chloroquine overdosed some enthused people in Nigeria, apparently. 500mg. a day is a lot. Also Scott Adams of Dilbert and his podcast fame has released a 100% cheerful 100% vapid podcast all saying, ‘cough bah, we’ll be fine,’ not caring about the major err of skipping all analysis neverminding Pareto (who apparently is alive to say things about flaws in ‘most good for most people’ atimes.)


I see what you’re both saying, and it’s a real thing, and you don’t have to be an engineer to get it.

But it’s worth mentioning that Musk has not lifted a pencil with intent to commit engineering in his professional career to date. I’m not saying his undergraduate degree (half of which was in a STEM field) doesn’t inform whatever work he might do; of course it does, and good for him. But PR aside, his actual function has been in shaking loose capital, drawing clicks and cameras, and signing off on working engineers’ and scientists’ work. You could replace whatever half-remembered physics in his brain with K-pop lyrics and it wouldn’t affect his day job one bit.


Huh, here I thought he was a skilled inquisitor and indulgent puffer, at least. Also that the mf. uses a pen over a pencil because of confidence ambitions and because people around him have some sharpies and industrial marker stuff.

ETA: I could replace whatever half-remembered physics in my brain with K-pop lyrics and improve for it?!?


She really shouldn’t be touching her face like that. :wink:


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