Twitter users hunt down Seattle Nazi and knock him out


“Nazis are bad because they use violence and forcible suppression of opposition!”

Yeah, that’s bad. How do you propose dealing with Nazis?

“I oppose them, so we must use violence to forcibly suppress them.”


"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. "

Martin Luther King Jr.
December 11, 1964


“[Dr. King’s philosophy] didn’t accomplish what it should have because the white establishment would not accept his philosophy of nonviolence and respond to it positively”.
– Rosa Parks


Ah, the classic–Quoting out of Context. Thanks for playing.

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Oh no problem. It’s fun playing with people who think Dr King was the leader of the civil rights movement and that his actions are why the legislation was introduced and passed without recognizing all the death, violent protests and counter protests, and how it was that violence which woke America up and was indeed the true impetus for change. It’s nice to meet whitewashers.


Good luck finding that world, Chad; meanwhile I don’t have the luxury of living in fantasyland.

The reality I live in is the one where the guy wearing the swastika wants to exterminate the guy wearing the rainbow and the guy wearing the Black power shirt.

Nazis are the human equivalent of fuckin’ Daleks; they view everyone that isn’t them as ‘inferior’ and seek to destroy them.


Oh, has the sealioning made it back to Dr King again? Okay.


Can I have your permission to use this as an example to others on how to spot a classic strawman argument?

Yeah but that works both ways.

You’re the one using quotes out of context while simultaneously denouncing and justifying violence, buddy. But hey, you do you.

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Right wing terrorists have been active in the US for decades.


Will your revolution be televised, Mr. Furious Condescension? What exactly you’re advocating is a little unclear and unless you expect us to pick up arms and turn the country into Syria, well, you’re just going to have to wait with the rest of us civilized folks until the next election.

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As I have been loudly, clearly and repeatedly advocating here for about a year now.


Talk minus Action equals Zero, dude. I look forward to your campaign for public office.

Yup. I’m fine with punching Nazi’s when you see them harassing people yourself. But internet mobs make frequently terrible gumshoes. They got this fucker because he was looking for a confrontation probably hoping to get someone else to get physical. If he’d taken his jacket and armband off, who knows who would have gotten punched.

Never start a fight. Always finish it.




Oh, okay. You want change but the change you want is impossible. Well, good luck with that.

They had armband guy on today. (show not online yet afaik) Not surprisingly, he was busy getting angry that he was attacked for merely displaying an image.

I’ll try to get the link up when today’s show is available.


As I’ve often stated, I personally strive to avoid physical altercations or any incidents that could end in legal consequences, just as a general rule of self preservation… BUT… I also have a bad temper, and serious dislike of bullies, so if I saw something like that in person, I’d be hard pressed not to say or do something in the moment.

Again; ‘the rules,’ per my Gram:

  • Choose your battles wisely.
  • Try not to fight everyday.
  • When you must fight, fight to WIN.

I think intervening against bullies is a good thing.

Echoing your first comment, I also think it’s a world of difference from a flash mob attempting to track down bullies they saw on the internet after the fact. The track record for internet vigilantes is frankly terrible.