Two opposing political candidates came together for a refreshing joint ad about civility

It could be another Era of Good Feelings.


The kind of split in the GOP you describe could yield a breakaway coalition of moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats — the Third-Way Party, or something similar. I can’t decide if that would be a good or a bad thing. At least we’d be rid of Joe Manchin.

I wouldn’t underestimate the memory of the GOP and GOP voters, not to mention the power Fox News has over them. In a year they’ll all be spouting whatever Fox n friends has come up with in order to push this whole trump thing under the rug.

Could be, of course. But it also could be that some are fed up enough to leave permanently unless the party changes.


…and Stochastic Terrorism.

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The Trumpist base is around 27%. A split would move moderatism well to the left of it’s current position, but it will take time to settle down, like about 15-20 years. Who knows what will happen in that time? I mean other than climate change and more millennials realising that they will not own their own house like their parents did.


You’re saying we’re going to be rid of Joe Manchin either way, split or no-split? (Shrugs, gestures with a matzoh like the old Jewish man he is becoming) Eh. So at least the collapse of the republic won’t be a total loss.


I have to say that was beautiful.

I am really torn because I have never seen people make such effective ads against this man, and these people supported Trump at the beginning and didn’t speak up for 4 years.

We are in danger if these people ever flip to attack ads against Democrats or positive ads for Trump people after this


This is a point that does not get made often enough. Everyone is nice when you talk to them in person. I’ve travelled all over the Midwest and the south as an out transwoman, and everyone shakes my hand, smiles, offers me lemonade, and talks about the weather. As soon as I am gone, they post angry memes on Facebook, send me anonymous threatening messages, and vote to take away my rights.

Politeness is a nice thing and we need it in the world, but the Right uses it as a shield to hide doing horrible things, as well as a tool to deflect and criticize. Black people rioting because nothing else works are told they should just be nicer as though the surface behavior is all that matters.


No one should be told they need to be polite to their opponents and/or enemies to receive justice. And no one is the enemy for being polite to an opposing tribe so long as they continue to fight them.

Politeness should never be a prerequisite, but neither should it be a transgression. Valuing politeness isn’t wrong in and of itself, provided one doesn’t value it above justice. Politeness becomes naivety when it’s used as an excuse to compromise one’s principles; it’s not evil in and of itself. YMMV.


Yet they’re on the wrong side of history as evident in their fascist flailing. Eventually if those who aren’t fascist reactionaries hope to survive they need to dissociate from their doomed confederates.

If they don’t, the only politically relevant American conservatives will be the Democratic establishment.


I’d like to think that the actual creative talent behind the ads isn’t the kind who would go for Democrat attack ads. That may be wishful thinking however.

No worries.

Also, happy cake day!

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