Two racing dogs slip and slide on ice like a scene straight out of a cartoon (video)

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Oy, that can’t be good for their already-not-great joints.


My border collie does that all the time. On completely dry pavement. He’s a little clumsy.


I’ve seen so many in agility competitions and have never seen a clumsy one. Extremely enthusiastic, yes—really living up to the reputation of “Give them something to do or they’ll find something to do”—but of course dogs are like people. Every one is a unique individual.


He’s an unusual border collie. Imagine a border collie the size of a German shepherd. That’s Bailey. I assumed he had something mixed in there, but we had him tested, and he’s all border collie. I even found some of his siblings through that testing, and they’re all unusually large for border collies. So maybe his brain thinks he’s this short 45 lb agile sheep dog, but he’s in this much larger, slower body.


Interesting, I have a poodle cross who was super clumsy as a puppy. Frequently falling over if she encountered anything on a walk from the living room to the water bowl (like a inch tall dog toy, or one of the many dog beds, or any of the other smaller dogs we had at the time). Occasionally she would experience a growth spurt and be capable of falling over while walking on a level unobstructed surface like a carpet, rug, or tile floor.

As an adult she is sure footed and stable, and able to bounce hop over smaller dogs while playing, as well as accurately kick them with her rear paws and throw them where she wants to (generally into a dog bed or other soft landing zone – I assume this is targeted as she seems never to throw them into a bad landing zone, at least as long as you define “basket of clean laundry” as a good LZ, she is safety focused not really tidiness focused).

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The Skanky dogs, Bean and Shortcake, do the cartoon running in place thing when their nails get too long, and try to launch a hurried exit from our hardwood floors. It’s hilarious and adorable.


I had a mouse in the house earlier this winter, and startled it in the kitchen one night. The rodent must have been a drift racer in a previous life, as it proceeded to proverbially spin all four tires as it fled myself, then carved a perfect arc around the trash can, claws skittering on the hardwood floors, never going in the direction it was pointed, but still making it into the library in record time.

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Are you sure you weren’t watching Tom and Jerry? It sure sounds like you were. :wink:

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I thought you said he was a Collie? :thinking:

I know that feeling :cry:


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