Two religious organizations are suing to stop Drag Queen Story Time at a public library



And readers don’t just read. They have to turn the pages too. Projectionists and book readers aren’t hired to promote anything.

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The same miserable excuses for people are probably also just fine with evangelicals lobbying of politicians.


Kommando Klowns for Khrist - we can probably get an acronym out of that.


"Warriors for Christ" and "Special Forces of Liberty"

I’m laughing so hard I spit my coffee put.


I had to go back and reread; I thought some enlightened group was trying to defend the Story Time using this argument. Then I thought “WTF?”


And if they are, my home is a place of worship and I need tax-free status for the secular communion consumption of holy pizza and beer that takes place here.

Just kidding, I like paying taxes because I’m not a hypocritical leech feeding off others in society.


As much as it pains me to say, you can be an athiest or a secular humanist and still be a bigoted asshole. So even if they were religions drag queen story time is not promoting the tenants of athiesm or secular humanism.


this story time sounds fantastic! i’d go even if i didn’t have kids, and i’d love to bring mine to something like this.

our public library has rainbow colors painted in-between the crosswalk white bars to celebrate pride all year round, i bet we could get something like this going, i hope it spreads.

no one is making these grumps attend. if they don’t like it, they can not go. that is the thing i hate about religion, they aren’t just making a choices for themselves they are forcing what they think is best onto others.


And therein lies the crux of the problem.


…I can’t even.

I mean, let’s just set aside the conflicting moral frames here. Those lovely queens are trying to do some work that both serves their community and acculturates a generation of kids into having less reflexively obnoxious reaction to people whose gender identities and expressions are not what has historically been considered standard issue. The Christian ninjas filling the lawsuit are viscerally freaked out by the flamboyance, and consider that acculturation to be akin to recruitment to a morally bankrupt cabal. The former are people securing their civil rights and assuming their place in a pluralistic society, and the latter are easily frightened bigots, but I get that the collision was in some ways inevitable. That’s just life, unfortunately.

But an establishment clause challenge? Da furk? Like, I’m sure there’s someone who is convinced this is some next level legal jutitsu- finding the other side wanting by their own moral yardsticks- but that person should probably not be left unattended without an adult. I’ve seen religious militants make these sorts of arguments before, essentially declaring that anything you’re fond of doing, or think is true, is thus functionally equivalent to a religion- which I could see making sense if living a biblical life is some kind of categorical objective, but this is akin to stating that a person that reads a bus schedule is a Bussitarian, or that your flyfishing club is in fact a temple. It’s just deeply, deeply lame.


As a transgenderist, I like to go door-to-door, handing out explanatory pamphlets.


Thank You!

(because a like just isn’t enough)


If they don’t like Drag Queen Story Hour, they shouldn’t bring their kids. No one is forcing anyone to go. I don’t like church, so I didn’t bring my kid to one. I didn’t feel the need to try to close churches down. (Though they should be taxed like any other business.) Their claims that this somehow violates the first amendment is mind-boggling considering shutting it down is what would violate the first amendment.


I know. What’s next “love one another?” Christ would never say something THAT gay.


They also like ignoring this pinko commie and his teachings

Matthew 19:21-22

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

That can’t be the real 'murican Jesus


Well, it wouldn’t go well. I assume SFoI would have AK and not ARs, and so they couldn’t even agree on caliber.

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I’ll take the company of drag queens anytime over the self-righteous posturing of these religious types.