Originally published at: Uh oh! Rudy Giuliani has new "scientific evidence" to prove 2020 election fraud (audio) | Boing Boing
“Yes, there are things we didn’t present then [in 2020] because over the next couple of years, a lot of people did a lot of work and have been able to produce more witnesses and what I would call scientific evidence that is very persuasive,” said Giuliani
Oh, scientific evidence as opposed to all those other kinds. Got it.
Even if his bullshit was real, if there was any legal recourse for this, Al Gore would be first in line.
But there isn’t - the Safe Harbor date for assessing state results was December 8, 2020. Even if legitimate errors or fraud was found after that date, it’s too late to change the results.
At what point do these people just give up? Rudy’s been indicted, is facing disbarment, and has a ton of legal bills he can’t pay (good luck getting TFG to help with those) yet he persists. Same with the My Pillow Guy. I almost (almost) feel sorry for them and their self-destructive toadying.
Lemme guess. . . “2000 Mules”?
A lawyer should know specious reasoning doesn’t hold up in court either.
If you believe that the bank owes you money, that doesn’t mean it’s OK to rob the bank. Unless you’re going to try an insanity plea this is a legal dead end.
I think he’s persisting exactly because of those things - he may not believe any of it at this point (if he ever did), but pretending he was at least reasonable to believe it at the time becomes vital to bringing in money and staying out of jail. His whole existence is pretty much invested in the idea of 2020 election fraud - he can’t afford to give up on it, now more than ever.
It’s OK, Rudy. The court will provide a public defender to represent you.
Was that the big game-changjng report we were promised?
Yes, when I think of science, Rudy Giuliani is the first person that comes to mind.
The George Costanza defense?
Good luck with that given that the lies aren’t the part that got them in all this legal trouble.
“I truly believed that the bank owed me money” is not a legal defense for holding up a bank.
I trust it will be the same high quality ‘evidence’ that we got from sadly defunct Cyber Ninjas:
It’ll be some lame cock-n-bull at the level of: “These <cherry-picked> voting precincts all voted strongly for trump in 2016 yet we’re told they all went strongly for Biden in 2020 - a collection of experts all say this is statistically impossssible!!” (In the background “the experts” raise their beer glasses)
I don’t think those words mean what he thinks they mean.
I don’t. Not even close to almost. They made this bed and deserve every bad thing that happens to them as a result.
Like I wrote, I almost feel bad, but stop short of actually feeling that way when I remember who they actually are and how and why they ended up where they.
Whose first job will be to present a motion that the defendant is not mentally competent to stand trial.
I wonder if the judge will count that as “time served” at Ellis’s sentencing.