UK cop filmed threatening to "make something up" to arrest man

I don’t feel I need an apology…

Firing - maybe, maybe not but I agree that what the community needs is accountability for police misconduct.

Apologies without consequences are pointless PR.


If he had said “we will find something” he probably would not be in trouble, there are plenty of BS offences that are so weak/broad they are sufficient to cover virtually any activity.

Although “coughing without due care and attention” probably is an offence now.

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Not police, soldiers (and in fact not professional soldiers but militia). Also, 1819 is 10 years before the first police force was set up in the UK as a deliberately non-military organisation- the idea being that having soldiers whose full-time job is civilian law enforcement is something those nasty French do.

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if i threatened a cop i doubt i’d get to just apologize

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Thanks, TIL. I always thought the London Metropolitan Police were the oldest police force in the world. They claim that Glasgow don’t count because in the early days they were more like watchmen than police- their duties included calling out the hours, fighting fires, and even sweeping the streets as well as what we call policing today.

On the other hand, the Advertising Standards Authority did rule against the Met when they made the claim in a recruiting advertisement…

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I’m sure there’s as much culpable deniability in the armed services as there is among cops.

Hopefully your Marine Corps dad was entirely unlike the Marine dad in American Beauty …

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I suspect that the strength of the reaction today has a lot to do with the fact that the RUC, the successor of the RIC in the north, continued their tradition of brutality and extrajudicial assassinations until about 20 years ago.

Very unlike. My dad’s a ‘pussycat’.

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