UK government tells nursery workers to turn in potential terrorist toddlers

I live in a pretty diverse neighbourhood. My daughter’s mother lives in an almost exclusively Muslim neighbourhood. It’s very nice there. In a large UK city. I have family in other large cities who do the same. One of them is even married to a Muslim! Quelle horreur! You are, indeed a crazy person.


My lily-white khufir ass calls bullshit on your nonsense. Again.


Mad Cat Lady is Mad.

I wonder how the government would react if the kids being turned-in were overwhelmingly from families aligned with the BNP?


The problem I have is I’m wondering who isn’t at risk of being “radicalised”? The child who has fascist parents? how about anarchist or communist? Maybe Ukip members? Scottish nationalists?

Green party politicians have already been classed as extremist, so you might be able to understand why some of us don’t trust that this policy will just be used to find terrorists.

But that is just my opinion, which probably isn’t informed enough for you.


All middle-eastern religions are prone to radicalism.


Alexei Sayle may be the only kid who became a Maoist as an act of rebellion against his parents who were ardent supporters of the Soviet Union.


“Bill wouldn’t share the fire truck with Johnny, Johnny is Jewish, Bill is possibly experiencing radicialization for neo-nazi tendencies.”
“Johnny said he doesn’t want to sit next to Suzy because “girls are icky.” Possible radical anti-feminist.”
“Suzy always sorts her trash in the proper recycling bin. Possible eco-terrorist.”
“Tory won’t stop singing lyrics from “All Along The Watchtower” under her breath. Probable Cylon.”


I think it must be something they put in the tea in the Home Office.


Or perhaps they should check what they are making the tea from.

The Home Secretary is a job for fascists. It attracts the very worst politicians.

May has been horrible, but no worse than Blunkett, Howard, Reid, Clarke, Straw, Smith or Johnson.

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Go live in a religious “Christian” neighborhood in Texas or Oklahoma for 3 months and then get back to us.



My uncle has been known to say that the US should nuke the entire Middle East. Perhaps I should notify the authorities.


Of course, this only goes to show that the most dangerous people in the country are those with the most power. Perhaps that indicates which schools should be subject to the most monitoring.

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The most dangerous people are those who actually believe that some people have any more “power” than others, they ruin everything for the rest of us.

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I don’t think it’s a false belief that the Home Secretary has considerably more power than I do. That she should have quite so much power is more arguable, I think.


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