UK Political Thread, part the second

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Well, it didn’t take long for another scandal to crop up.
Now the countdown is on until this one is named.

And yes, the BBC’S article is confusingly worded, because they’re tiptoeing around libel laws here.


Is there some definition in the Lifestyle Act of 1863 that says “Cannot use tents”?


“The homophobic lyrics the LGBTQ rights groups cited in petitioning the British government to ban him from traveling to the U.K. were: “Fire will burn the batty man. Burn all the batty man. All Ugandans get behind me and fight the batty man.””

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The way the Tory bastards have been acting recently means I can’t rule out the possibility of re-education camps in general.


Even bastards get tired of deflecting questions about her.


They’re just mad she said the quiet part out loud…


But why are violent ignorant racists who won’t respect social distancing during a pandemic told to pound sand, while black lives matter protestors who wear masks and keep distances while peacefully marching not?

There isn’t an /s big enough to fill the gap in Braverman’s humanity.


“A former minister for health in England wrote to me that “The COVID-19 inquiry will make us the laughing stock in the eyes of the world.” But it is worse than that. The level of criminal incompetence exposed by recent witnesses to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry, chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, has proven that many, if not most, of over 230 000 deaths were preventable. Amid the claims of extreme misogyny, profanity, and chaos that litter the evidence is a story of complete government breakdown.”

Strong words in the Lancet. They also held Tony Blair’s government to account over the many people killed in his war in Iraq.

Unrelated but this issue has a big focus on teaching about Nazi medicine and the holocaust with a big input from students. I was considering putting it in The Kids are Alright. It’s absolutely essential we teach medical students about the horrible things that medicine has done in the past.


Please do!


More in Suella Braverman is a fucking idiot (as well as a bigoted racist homophobiic piece of shit).

Taoiseach refused to comment on her stupid statement about Northern Ireland as it was so batshit crazy and incoherent it’s difficult to work out what she actually thought she was saying. What she said was those protesting mass murder of Palestinians reminded her of Orangmen. Which I doubt she meant. She likes Orangemen and they like her are very happy with the racist mass murder of civilians as long as they are Muslim.

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So, the mob that the government were clearly trying to incite against the peace protesters, they’ve gone and attacked the wrong target.


Mad Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room

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Dr Doseline Kiguru, a Kenyan expert in world literature, was overjoyed when she secured a permanent position at Bristol University. But that all changed last week when the Home Office refused to allow her six-year-old daughter to join her.

The decision, which furious colleagues have called “an act of unthinkable cruelty”, will fuel fears that the government is disproportionately blocking academics from the global south from coming to the UK, despite Rishi Sunak’s pledge to make Britain a global “science superpower”.

It echoes two similar cases in 2019, where the Home Office was forced to do a U-turn on refusing entry to the children of two women researchers at Oxford University, after widespread condemnation from academics across the world.

The Home Office’s rejection said it saw “no compassionate grounds” on which to allow the child to join her mother. The letter, addressed to the six-year-old girl, added: “It was your mother’s personal decision to depart for the UK.”

emphasis mine

computer rage GIF


Breaking: Suella Braverman sacked.


The political theatre seems to suggest that James Cleverly may replace her.

And David Cameron(!) has been seen strolling along Downing Street this morning.

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Peerage? and possibly put back into the cabinet after that.

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