UK Political Thread, part the second

  1. Climb the ladder.
  2. Get comfortable.
  3. Pull up the ladder.

The other plausible answer is she’s a lying fascist who says whatever it takes to get power. How many others were there?


We were all “unprepared” for the pandemic. What they were is “unfit” for leadership.


Yeah, but it doesn’t help that all the client journalists breathlessly covering endless ‘press conferences’ knew exactly what was likely to be coming - it’s not as though they hadn’t helped Johnson et al get to where they were - and then flat-out covered for them as it all went tits-up e.g. by presenting Sunak as a pin-suited messiah without mentioning any of the significant flaws in the furlough and related systems (and not just because a bunch of them were given free money with no strings.)

And now they get to crow about failures of leadership in government whilst taking exactly zip responsibility for their own contribution to the clusterfuck.
It’s often said that if we object to the actions of politicians in power, we can at least vote them out. We can’t do that with the Daily Mail (or, more worryingly these days, GB News.)


No more staff budget for UK civil service, but worry not – here’s an incubator for AI


… does it come with a blockchain :crazy_face:


It comes with a disclaimer cautioning aginst interpreting this finding the way that everyone is going to, but this bit of news is obviously interesting:

Archive link to avoid giving Murdoch clicks:


Meh… I’m really not a fan of this kind of thing, and it’s not surprising that it’s in a murdoch paper, which will do anything to reinforce the idea that there is some people are “naturally” destined to rule over others (and they just happen to be white, as in anglo-saxon!). Some one’s “cognitive ability” doesn’t mean that they’ll be pro-or-anti authoritarianism. Plenty of “smart” people embrace fascism and outright genocide, not because they are smart or dumb, but because they are in favor of violently imposing their views on the rest of us… I’d argue it’s all about people buying into the concept of a struggle between peoples that ends up in violent conflict, because they STILL buy into these dodgy concepts of the imperial era. I’m also guessing that there is a much stronger connection between race and being either pro or anti brexit (or here in the state, pro or anti Trump, etc).


The researcher interviewed as part of the article is very keen to point out that this is just a correlation that has come out of the analysis, that they’ve had to control for all the other confounding factors and so on, but headline writers will always latch on to the most sensational conclusion.

And since you’re talking about people “naturally” destined to rule over others, here’s something else that our parasite class are up to:


Sure… it’s a real problem, driven by the need to reach readers.

But we should think careful about headlines like that and the underlying reason why they are written in such a manner… it’s in part to make us feel like we’re in the know and smarter than others. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is a major problem with the worst “journalism”, meaning the tabloids that seek to enrage the reader or make them feel superior to the other… Mass media has always been deeply embedded in this project of creating social divisons in order to ensure the elite class can keep doing what they do, which is to fuck us all over…

Angry Cartoon Network GIF


As if any more proof were needed that this woman is deranged.


One big loser endorses another.


Oh fucking hell.

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When people, and I have heard it said, point her out as a positive role model I don’t care about her cabinet of alcoholic child abusers and rapists and how she was such a Stan of Jimmy Saville, friend to Pinochet, and to apartheid, I talk about her begging letters she sent to Reagan pleading with him not to engage in talks for nuclear disarmament as it might hand an electoral advantage to labour.

Not only was she evil, which many people like a lot, she was also a petty incompetent.


His praise of Thatcher – a divisive figure in British politics – is likely to raise eyebrows on the left of the Labour party.

And also hopefully in the centre of the Labour party and in the right wing of the Labour party, because while there has always been overlap between the right wing of the Labour party and the left wing of the conservative party, there shouldn’t be any overlap between the right wing of the Tories and any part of the Labour party.

Then again, the Overton drift means that Thatcher maybe is on the left wing of the conservative party


Also posted in Dead Celebs

Also, really easy to read absence instead of abscess


Is there a single current Tory MP who believes the trains should be nationalised? Thatcher drew the line at privatising the railways.