UK Political Thread, part the second

I’ll smoke to that!


Oh, FFS Scottish borders. A historic defeat for the tories and we still look like we won’t free the country from them.

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“Van de Graaff hair”

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Looks like Labour has successfully applied what we Australians call a Bradbury, named after the Australian speed-skater who won medals by strategically skating behind the winners and waiting for them to crash. This strategy got him a gold medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Really.

Bradbury’s strategy from the semi-final onwards was to cruise behind his opponents and hope that they crashed


See Ya Goodbye GIF by This GIF Is Haunted


It’s finally time.

If you live in any of the four countries that are taking part in today’s Westminster election,then
Go and Vote

The internet will still be here when you’re back. And if you’ve already voted, then encourage others to turn out and vote too. Taking out the rubbish is a shared responsibility - it only works if everyone takes their turn.


And take your photo ID

Done and hopefully dusted.


Yeah but if you run on a platform of changing that, like the left alliance in France, the media will gang up on you as being radical and irresponsible and they, and the financial markets will instead back the racist fascists despite the fact they are running on a platform of unfunded and uncosted tax cuts that will lead to ruin.

Because utter fucking devastation of a country and racist violence is preferred over the rich paying their way.


Just got back from voting- busy but steady there, hope turnout is high .

Anyway, here’s some election day videos.


Irish article on the UK press. The Express clutching its pearls at unchecked power of Labour diminishing their great country…… look the fuck around at what your evil clown car has done. Just look at it. A decade and a half of kicking the poor to get coins out of them and the place is run down and beat up. The people are tired and poor and exasperated. That the billionaire press can still pretend the English Conservative Party has any redeeming qualities almost defies belief. They can no longer be presented as the natural party of government because of the parade of corrupt venal incompetents they saw fit to raise to high office. They can not be the party of business or of trade as they saw fit to invent barriers to trade that made Britain uncompetitive and destroyed businesses and left them with a huge trade deficit. They are not the party of law and order as they are serial criminals who publicly flouted the law and defied the constitution (such as it is).

For a laugh here is the Torygraph imagining itself into a frenzy that Starmer is some kind of hard left radical:

Your English Tory party has dragged Britain into a dystopian present, full of hate, racism, poverty, inequality, and crumbling infrastructure and services. Sir Keith is a conservative who might preserve some of what Britain was about before 14 years of despotic, incompetent, corrupt, and most of all, absolutely batshit crazy frothing at the mouth rabid loon animal hysteric Conservative vileness.


…that the billionaire press has any relevance for the majority of voters. Yet Tories (and others) and the press tickle each others tummies.


Happy Election Night, everyone!
Exit poll in 10 minutes.

Bbc Drinking GIF


Yup. Starmer et al better be committing some democratic socialism right quick, or in five years, we’ll be where France is now.


BBC Radio 4 is telling people not to go to bed.


410 131 61 10 13 4 2 19



Truss lost by about 600 votes

Terry Jermy won South West Norfolk with 11,847 votes.

That compares to 11,217 for Truss.

A reminder that she was PM less than two years ago.

In 2019, she won the seat with a huge majority of 26,195.

Da fug?