I’m not sure if the situation is better in England, but here in the US we are pretty tightly screwed there.
There are 2.9 hospital beds for every 1,000 people in the United States. That’s fewer than Turkmenistan (7.4 beds per 1,000), Mongolia (7.0), Argentina (5.0) and Libya (3.7). In fact, the US ranks 69th out of 182 countries analyzed by the World Health Organization. This lack of hospital beds is forcing doctors across the country to ration care under Covid-19, pushing up the number of preventable deaths.
There seems to be no news on that front. I see 2 options. He’s coughing at his neighbor over some lawn dispute. Or he’s in Peter Theil’s bunker getting transfusions of sweet sweet young people blood.
I feel a lot of conflicting feelings about all this, because on the one hand, Boris Johnson is an awful, awful human being, was so reckless he all but deliberately infected himself, and initially was cool with a “herd immunity” strategy, despite all the deaths it would cause, so this feels like a self-inflicted and well-earned injury. But on the other hand, by being sick he’s risking others, taking up valuable hospital space and resources that could be used for someone else, and he leaves someone substantially worse in charge, Dominic “I don’t support the human rights act, and I don’t believe in economic and social rights” Raab.
1000 times this. Plus, if Johnson – who is relatively young, exercises regularly, and has the best medical attention – can get this sick, it is a really bad sign for the prospects of others. I loathe the guy but hope with all my heart he pulls out of this.
Next time he should heed the advice of his electoral opponents:
Hopefully it won’t come to that, but yeah, it’s appearing increasingly likely. It seems he’s at least on oxygen at this point, though no one’s admitting it. My hopes for a speedy recovery aren’t terribly realistic, even if, on some level, “speedy” is relative.
Yeah, clearly, as with other viral infections, there’s a genetic component, not just an age/health one, in terms of who gets more seriously ill. He is, however, overweight/obese which is a risk factor/make other risk factors more likely. This seems to be why young Americans are being so much more badly hit by the virus than in any other country so far. (Though, of course, even young “fit” people are dying.) Hopefully at this point people are realizing that the idea that only old/sick people are at risk is totally wrong.