Undocumented Americans

BTW, there are three main stories in the recent “lost/abused children” scandals.

  1. Children and adults being raped/abused while in detention. This has been going on since at least Obama, is still continuing, and is likely to get worse. This is covered in the ACLU report and VICE article.

  2. Children being separated from their parents at the border: this is a new Trump policy, but is only just starting to take effect. It is also an area where the Obama administration did some comparable things, albeit not as much.

  3. Children that ICE “lost”. This is the story from the HHS report, is the one that got the most attention, and is also probably the least serious of the three. And it’s one that demands a nuanced understanding if the response is not to play into the hands of the fascists.

There’s also a fourth scandal, that gets almost no attention: the Border Patrol routinely murders people.