Unite the Right Jason Kessler was punched, attacked and chased at press conference

+1,000,000 upvotes for referencing one of my all time favorite Tex Avery cartoons


Tex Avery was awesome; I grew up on Droopy and the gang…



Yup. Even if leftist protesters are 100% non-violent, the right will invent something so they can say they are - - because they more than want it to be true, they need it to be true.

While it is cathartic to talk about punching Nazis, we should not do so, on account it of it being exactly what they want. It is a play out of Al Qaeda’s PlayBook, in fact. They say they are for the protection and representation of Muslims, but the reality is they invite any real or perceived violence against them because it helps them recruit.


Feels right to me. They deserve to be afraid

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So, we shouldn’t talk about punching nazis, since that’s what they want, but they’ll invent violence against themselves anyway?

AFAICT, a lot of the anti-punching-nazi people seem to be of the opinion that “the best thing to do is nothing.”

Well fuck that noise. All due respect.



I am not one of those. I am just suggesting it is not helpful to interrupt a Nazi speech or rally with flying fists, however satisfying.

‘‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. The beauty of nonviolence is that in its own way and in its own time it seeks to break the chain reaction of evil’’

(Martin Luther King, Where, 62–63).

They also want us to follow Gandhi’s advice

Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.


Not gonna happen. We will not go gently into the night.

I stand with all my Brothers and Sisters who are ‘Other,’ and if I have to go down, I’ll go down swinging.


Where I stand is that there is indeed a time for violence. Just not unprovoked offensives. Reacting only defensively to these assholes at least gives some counter to the “Violent Left” rhetoric. Punching Nazis in the back of the head for spewing their garbage does not.



This wasn’t a mistake, accident, set of unintended consequences, or freak occurrence. This was all carefully calculated and planned.

This wasn’t some sort of white power gathering being held out in the woods. This was a widely advertised event that was purposefully set in a liberal leaning college town. They came looking for, and hoping for violence. They wanted their rally to be broadcast on the world’s stage. They were hoping to further purpetuate the image of violent leftists. Unfortunately for them, it backfired bigly.


I’m more and more inclined to think that publicly pieing them would be a better course of action than punching them, if only in order to sidestep the discursive terrain they want to impose.


I have a feeling this is exactly what he wanted to happen, so he could twist the entire event into a confirmation of lefty intolerance. That’s a bizarrely large theme in the right wing echo chamber at the moment.


You know it had to be a massive backfire when even Fox News is not trying to spin it against the left. Although, they seem to be satisfied by today’s condemnation.

This needs to be repeated everywhere!


I always find it interesting that these groups never choose to stage their demonstrations in spaces where the people that they target actually exist in large numbers.

They’re such “brave warriors” but they go to Berkeley, never Oakland.

Another post related to this topic addresses the possibility of the Alt Reich trying to stage an event at “your campus”; my immediate thoughts upon reading it were:

“That’ll never happen; I went to an HBCU (Historically Black College/Univ.).”

Not only would the permit be denied outright, but even trying to hold such an event would likely be a reverse lynching just waiting to happen and the special little Broflakes know it.

It’s all too easy to pretend to be ‘Billy Badass’ when you think you have the advantage.


I believe a key point of the disagreement here is how we define “unprovoked.” If a fascist pokes his flag in the face of a black person and that black person responds by going all dracarys on it instead of backing away then was that really “unprovoked?”


but feelings didn’t kill anyone.

Your double standard is showing.


Nobody wants to fight, but somebody has to know how.


The original anti-fascists:
