Appearing in public with an atypical pet? How novel.
Avida Dollars, 1969
Airline: And what is your emotional support animal, madam?
Woman: It’s a screaming dinosaur named after a serial killer.
Airline. Accurate, but your child will still need their own ticket.
I worry that people abusing the “emotional support” animal thing is causing a problem for others who legitimately need to travel with real support animals. A peacock? Seriously??
Exactly. Same feelings/thoughts here.
United sucks, but I’m with them on this one. Nobody wants to hear a peacock shriek in an enclosed space. EVER.
I never thought I would say this but I’m with the airlines on this one.
How much time have you spent in Williamsburg? Those quirky mother fuckers love recreational psych meds. I’ve never been offered stranger shit than when interacting with the hipster set. Once a perfect stranger asked me if I wanted a Thorazine in a bar there.
Whenever I fly I like to request an emotional support seat that is not next to a freaking peacock!
What’s the surprise? Everyone knows that United is going to be an un-pheasant experience.
They’re not very supportive.
I’m from CA, and they wouldn’t let me get on with my free range emotional support Mojave rattler.
question: Can I have more than one ‘controlled and housebroken’ support animal? Can I have, I dunno, a murder of 9 crows as long as they listen to me and I put little diapers on them?
Inquiring minds need to know.
Edibles work pretty well.
Anyway, peacocks are assholes. Flying is a shitty enough experience as it is, without having to deal with your fucking peacock. I would wring that little fucker’s neck if I had to share a plane with it.
Because his spirit animal is a flamingo?
Least sympathetic flight attendant ever.
Okay, Peacocks on a Plane could be a funny movie.
We all derive emotional support in our own unique ways.
They aren’t. PeaCocks are jerks and not emotionally supportive at all.
Hippos are also jerks.
I thought you didn’t kiss and tell…
my emotional support elephant on the other hand…brings me so much comfort at my job in the china shop.