University student scientists study: "Who’s the best-equipped superhero?"

Ok. Nerd fight time. How has nobody mentioned The Flash? Not my personal favorite, but he seems like one of the golden age “oh so very overpowered” super heroes.

And if we’re going to stretch the definitions a bit, how about crazy overpowered omega level mutants? Reality warping? Blip! Now everything’s kryptonite. Sorry Supes.


I’m kinda leaning towards J’onn J’onzz - a veteran of the psychic wars. Whom Superman himself once mentioned as the leaguer he’d never want to face in open combat.

…besides, Damian Wayne - Al Ghul (I forget, is his last name hyphenated?) once took out Supes - and he was 10 at the time…

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Yeah, they’re not taking intelligence and strategic thinking into account. Batman, obviously, would win any fight, not because he’s the strongest or most powerful, but because he’s the smartest.

Dr. Manhattan would indeed be a strong contender since he seems to have just rebooted the entire DC universe.

No one likes Guy Gardner nor his stupid hair cut.

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Good point. Someone who could zap someone with their brain or even use the Force could incapacity anyone. Unless they had something to block it, like Magneto’s helmet or those lizard things Thrawn used.

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Duh, we’re missing the obvious…

Booster Gold! :joy: :joy: :joy:


Completely agree - but for Barry to “win” (and for any of these we’ve tossed around really) one would have to alter core character traits. Traits so intrinsic to who/what they are that any changes would distort the character beyond recognition- may as well play silly buggers with their powers at that point…

Edit: Just to add that an Evil Barry (not Eobard Thawne) would be a real force to be reckoned with if not nigh unstoppable. A glimpse we saw in JL-U when he and Lex swapped consciousnesses.

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