Unmasked Walmart shopper arrested after threatening man with gun

Convicted Felons in Florida lose the right to vote until their sentence is completed

This is a problem that could solve itself

toxic maskulinity


Walmart needs metal detectors. If it’s good enough for schools and nightclubs.


That jackass has probably been carrying a gun for a while now with the expectation he’d be able to live out his fantasy of saving everyone from a bad guy with a gun. As the days, weeks, years went on and he never got the opportunity to pull his gun and prove himself he’s had to lower his expectations of pulling a gun to save an entire bank from being robbed by dangerous men with guns to pulling the gun to win a stupid argument.


Honestly, if you really think about it, COVID initially was such an abrupt and shockingly massive interruption that I was shocked that it took the regressives 3 months to come up with a reason to be pissed off. I know there were incidents here and there, but the general narrative seemed to be that we’re all in this together. Of course, the Fox News staff saw the writing on the wall regarding Dear Leader’s indolence and conjured a narrative to put that latent rage to action. But for one brief shining moment…


He’s 28. At most, he’s been able to harbor his Rambo fantasy for 10 years.

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I could understand the reactionary knee-jerk reaction of, “Don’t tell me what to do!” combined with anti-government sentiment, shored up by Trump’s dismissal of the issue/anti-lockdown stance/lack of mask wearing/etc. But then it went somewhere downright crazy, even for them - the whole “masks are part of a plot to enslave us, therefore anyone asking us to wear masks - or even wearing them themselves - is an evil slaver.” That I still can’t get my head around.


He opted for the full-size body pillow of DJ Turnip.

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Because their job requires them to carry firearms whether uniformed, detectives or uc’s. Their question of stability and judgement is irrelevant for this specific discussion.

Boston MA doesn’t have a Walmart. WTF?
We’ve got a Republican Governor FCS!

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He was triggered.


A lot of gun culture is an ingenious solution to a non-existent problem.


I think I would find it orders of magnitude more unwieldy to negotiate the world with a gun tucked in my waistband than it would be to wear a mask. And while some seem to be afraid of masks, I have not heard of the safety on anyone’s mask accidentally being switched off and the mask discharging and hitting their foot.


(Disclaimer: not directing this at you specifically, RyeNCode, just people in general)

This is basically the Libertarian argument. “If everyone knows everyone is armed, nobody will try anything”. Heinlein wrote entire unhinged books about this idea.

The problem is that there is zero evidence to support it. What we do have mountains of evidence for, however, is that guns escalate every situation and often result in pointless death. People who pick fights or attempt crimes are not doing a careful calculus of who around them might be armed. These are irrational and emotional decisions, often by desperate people who feel they have nothing to lose.

If you have a huge arson problem in your city, the solution is not to go around pouring gasoline on all the buildings in the hopes that making arson slightly more dangerous will be a deterrent. You make gasoline harder to get, put in sprinkler systems, and figure out what social problems lead to people wanting to be arsonists.

That metaphor didn’t entirely hold together, but you get what I’m saying.


I do get it, and I agree. The concept of building bigger and bigger club with which to threaten someone into not using their bigger and bigger club rests only on the assumption that noone will actually be willing to use any club. It doesn’t work. However I do understand where the thought comes from, such that even someone who may feel its wrong to carry a weapon out shopping will still do so to feel safer. As fallacious as that thinking is, most normal human behaviour falls under one or more logical fallacies.

At my local Kroger’s, I’ve literally seen people wear them to get by the person posted at the front door, then remove the mask once they’re a few yards into the store.

The only way to stop the bad gun with no mask is a good mask with two guns, or something like that…

Also, gun masks. Stop the spread of unwanted bullets now, cover your gun barrel with new and improved Gun Mask, part of the new Trojan kevlar lineup.

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I thought gun masks were for waterproofing the barrels? But I don’t have a gun anymore.

Right?! Yet, here we are.


You are not alone, as it happens, it is very difficult for a normal person to use a weapon in anger. You really have to be in a desperate situation or to have a very specific training to take aim and shoot with intention to kill. As my grandfather (who fought in the Spanish civil war) used to say they got a canteen full of brandy (and probably laced with amphetamines) before going over the top and they just sprayed bullets in the general direction of the “enemy”

Apparently the pen pushers in the DoD were appalled to see the amount of ammunition used in wars by conscripted soldiers in relation with enemies killed, their conclusion was that training against a cutout or a paper target does prepare the soldier to shoot a fellow human.

This is the main reason for using professional soldiers, trained with realistic mannequins that spray fake blood and simulate injuries.