Unmasked woman filmed berating other shoppers and coughing on them

[NARRATOR: It wasn’t.]

While I am angry and sad about this, my experience with nurses is that they are people, too. They are paid like shit, treated like shit (especially by doctors, but often also by patients), they have to do really shit work (involving shit, among other bodily fluids) and they can have shit in their heads like everyone else.
I am not giving anyone a pass here, mind. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t the same amount of idiots, bigots and arseholes amongst them as among the rest of the population.

What I really, really cannot grasp, however, is that someone with a professional medical training who must be informed about why and how a mask is worn would not wear it correctly and give others shit about it. That’s a bit like being a taxi driver professionally and a wrong-way driver in private.