Originally published at: Unsurprisingly Tucker Carlson only supports imprisoning the opposition | Boing Boing
I read a post this morning with a photo of Bill Clinton that asked “Wait! Republicans are now claiming that extramarital affairs are a private and personal matter!?!”
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Hypocrisy really should be on Eco’s list as a distinct characteristic of Ur-fascism, deeply ingrained as it is in the ideology’s practitioners.
"Unsurprisingly. . . "
You could also say “predictably.”
Perhaps he meant that “You” don’t jail political opponents, that’s what “We” do.
Also, that’s only true in “sane society”.
He’s not “hypocritical”, he’s just not a member of “sane society”.
Christ, what an asshole.
Ah, see: your problem is believing both that the past is fixed, and that it in anyway matters. No. There is only now, and now is when we rage, and scream, and lie about our enemies.
That’s a man who long ago reached hypocritical mass.
Remember: The right actually does not care if they act like hypocrites.
The Right even has a saying about it: : “F*ck Your Feelings” but it doesn’t apply to them. Their feelings are facts.
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