Yup, all sounds like a likely way for the 1%ers to make money off pot to me. I think perhaps you meant to be relying to @kpkpkp, who was the one saying there was no way to regulate a product that you can grow yourself.
One of the things I really hate about this legal barrier between alcohol and pot is that I have teenagers. As a responsible parent, I have not just talked with them about alcohol use and abuse as well as modeled good usage, I’ve also been able to supervise their entry into the adult world of responsible drinking. It is legal for a parent to serve alcohol to their own child (but no one else’s), so my children learned how to drink before they left home for college. But when we talk about pot, I’m hampered as a parent because I can only talk about it, and warn them that they don’t want to put themselves in a position to be arrested (especially the one who wants to work for the FBI). I can discuss the various issues regarding legal and illegal drugs: addiction, side effects, dangerous additives in the illegal drugs, loss of self control while high (especially important for young women), etc. But they’re no dummies: they’ve asked specifically about pot being so much less dangerous than even legal drugs like cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription medications. I have to tell them that our government is being stupid about it. And then when I tell them to respect authority figures and the law…uh-huh, you see the problem.
I mean, yeah actually, it’s a great life lesson to teach one’s children: respect authority only when it deserves to be respected. Follow the rules, but work to have unfair laws overturned. But kids only understand mature lessons like that once they’re mature themselves. When there’s something this glaring…they know it’s wrong, even if they can’t yet understand the full context.
I have a dream that someday soon we will be allowed three plants personal exemption from the grow laws. I will prune my cannibis into nice bushes and hope they overwinter in our mild, Southern climate.
You cannot save a seed from the bottom of a beer can. plant it and wait a few months to get more beer.
What is this I just don’t even…
That is blatant ignorance of the fact that they’re different drugs - and the production method of each. You can save some yeast, cultivate that and wait a few months to produce beer. I’m assuming you have running water here…
The weed you want to be smoking shouldn’t have seeds in it.
How are all these farmers worldwide existing while they’re not producing super-premium tomatoes?? It’s CRAZY! The government should really got on top of all this ready to consumer self-replicating product before it gets out of hand!! Oh… that’s right, they tax the sale of the produce and the goods which were purchased to grow the produce… what a novel idea!
I would change that to cannot happen. Unlike alcohol and other drugs (but not all… e.g. mushrooms) The active chemicals in marijuana cannot affect the part of your brain that regulates breaking and other automatic body functions which is usually what happens when people OD.
In the Australian state of South Australia and the ACT their answer to this is simple: You can grow weed, you can possess weed, you can gift weed, you just cannot sell weed. In case you didn’t know it is very easy to distil your own alcohol (and many people do it - check the online communities). The penalties for doing it are high and that’s the risk one takes, but the same exact system could be applied to marijuana: licence producers of commercial product, permit home growing under the condition the produce is not sold, and punish severely anyone who produces for sale without a licence.
And like I said: those clay pots cost money and those sales are taxed - as is the sale of fertilisers, insects sprays and all the other things you use to grow it.
…Yet the tobacco companies still make incredible profit. I think this only acts to prove @SamSam’s point that personal use, while allowed, will not impinge on the tax revenue of licensed sale.
Edit: I notice you’ve already been called on the fact that you’re just proving our point. Thanks for playing.
Surely if legalization spreads, there will be iWeed from Apple and Stoner pour homme by Paco Reban; expensive designer dope for the people with more money than sense?
That’s the spirt!
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