US Government's botched Puerto Rico spin job emailed to reporter

I’ve had this happen both with someone’s health insurance documents and someone else’s Best Buy phone contract. The weird thing was that the email from Best Buy went to an address of mine that doesn’t actually have my name in it. It’s like … dinglehopper@gmail. So they must have been scrolling through a list and just clicked the wrong Firstname Lastname.

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I wish. I have been stuck in a mass email work chain and half the messages are ‘please remove me’ from this list.

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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not Trump’s property.


That reminds me in a roundabout way of a joke/story i once read about South Korea.

During the early 1970s, there was quite a lot of contact between regimes of Kim Il Sung in the North and Park Chung-hee in the South. South Korea was rapidly industrialising, and would soon become richer than the North if it was not already.

Anyway, the story goes, one day a North Korean official visiting Seoul was in a car with his his host from the South Korean side. The streets, lined with tall new buildings, were full of cars; maybe they were even stuck in a traffic jam “I know what you’ve done,” the North Korean said suddenly, “You’ve rounded up all the cars in the country and brought them to Seoul to fill up the roads and make it look as if your country is wealthy.”

“Ok, you’ve rumbled us,” his host replied, “But let me tell you, moving all the buildings to Seoul was a lot harder.”


It’s going to need an airing out when he is done.

I’m not entirely sure that a simple airing out will do the trick.
Maybe a descendant of Robert Ross is available to lend a hand.

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By girlfriend is from Puerto Rico and I just find this whole situation so depressing. Such a beautiful country :frowning:


We can cut through the crap.

Trump is a racist and doesn’t care about the suffering and death of brown people. He probably thinks that his base approves of his indifference.

That was easy. Now what is the government going to do about Puerto Rico!

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What are the American people going to do about the government?


I’m thinking maybe Kriminal Hillary was on to something with running her own server :smiley:

First I was pissed. Then I say, your damn right. We need to organize and pool our money. We need to elect central leadership to coordinate and make strategy. The Dem elites are not going to do it. Bernie is a politician not a political organizer.

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