I…just don’t understand. Nobody loves wearing a mask (well, maybe a few), but we all just get on and do it. Here in Europe we couldn’t even get masks when this all started, we had to make them. There was nobody at the shop front offering masks. We just got on with it. How can so many adults act like spoiled children? How can there be so little empathy? I live a long way from my parents. I’ve been really careful, because I hope that the people living around my parents will be careful too. Was it hard to explain to my 5 year old that he couldn’t walk up to his friends and their families - yes,it was, but we did it, and he survived.
This thread just makes me angry. The guy is a saint. The customers… I really have no words. Please America, you can be better than this.
The past four years have been a constant erosion of faith in humanity- first the realization that a huge chunk of Americans are Nazis, KKK members, or sympathizers of the aforementioned, then the revelation that even more Americans would literally rather die than mildly inconvenience themselves or show the slightest amount of consideration for other human beings.
I hope that where you live, it still feels like home. Here, knowing that any stranger you pass on the street stands a good chance of secretly being an utter monster, with a government so corrupt that it has entirely ceased to function and a police force with more interest in murdering citizens than protecting them, it can never feel like home again. Instead, it feels like a nightmarish insane asylum where nobody acts in a rational, predictable or relatable way.
Many still aren’t. Not sure if you’ve used any public restrooms recently, but I have a few times, and I’ve seen people (who were wearing masks correctly!) leave without washing their hands. The mind boggles.
Man, normally I’m incensed by stories of police shooting people rather than figuring out how to de-escalate the situation, but tbh, I deal with so many of these Covidiots in So. Cal, that I’m willing to give the police a pass on this one.
These assholes (the maskless) are perpetuating a f-ing pandemic that’s killing people. It may seem hyperbolic, but not wearing a mask, not observing social distance protocols, etc… is really an act of violence against society and often its more medically sensitive members.
Hit a breaking point. Pulling a gun on Provincial Police and yelling 'Get off my lawn" doesn’t gain mileage.
Premeditated suicide by cop?
Lost a loved one? Couldn’t take it any more?
Told the day before he has terminal illness?
Couldn’t take it anymore and snapped.
I live in norther rural area, it is normal to own a shotgun for hunting of course, hence pretty much every other neighbour has 1 or more firearms. This person must of known what he was doing , in my opinion it seems he wanted to die. RIP.
I work in a store that just put up signs saying Masks Required and then in small print starting [two days from now].
The first thing I heard coming into work today was a Karen pestering a manager about a maskless customer while the manager unsuccessfully tries to communicate that masks are not yet required. This is going to be fun.
On the bright side I saw a young couple standing outside the store trying to comply. First the woman put a scarf over her face, then for some reason transferred the scarf to the man. He went into the store and bought a couple of masks while she waited outside. They put them on outside and entered the store looking happy. Humans are indeed human most of the time.
we have proven the we can’t be, actually. i live in nyc, where we have actually been able to do the right things to get the horrific numbers down. as soon as the restrictions were lifted the smallest amount, there was an outdoor bachelorette party in front of every bar and restaurant. no masks, no distancing. so many stupid goddam people.
I hope that where you live, it still feels like home.
I live in Germany where people are, on the whole, sensible and socially minded. Home - I’m sorry to say - is the UK, where nothing makes sense any more . I miss it, but I don’t quite miss it enough to go back to what it has become.
This makes for a sloppy rollout. They should have done it months ago. Since almost all stores are doing it now and in most areas it’s also the local government’s requirement for the store to be able to open, the signs should have been effective immediately.
I am curious about how all this is supposed to roll out in corporate offices. Some predictions:
HR is going to be overwhelmed. Expect a new job title for enforcers that will have a much more upbeat name like “health advocate.”
Within their charge they will be laterally managing/PMing assigned “mask minders.” Those will likely be the same people who are currently getting basic CPR training and given orange vests for building drills.
There will be a lot of behavioral stuff coming up in reviews, or a lot of 1:1 meetings exclusively focused on how an individual is handling themselves in the office. Managers who empathize with their direct reports will be forced to turn against them if they offend repeatedly.
Indispensable employees who can’t get comfortable wearing the mask all day will be tolerated and/or accommodated with their own space, triggering a wave of people who want similar accommodations to act the same.
However, companies won’t hesitate to get rid of people who present the same issues but are less valued.
Lawyers will begin to specialize around these issues and companies are going to pay out a lot of $$ as they stumble their way into a more deeply considered policy.
Similar to hired compliance auditors, there will be a new industry of third party pandemic compliance auditors.
Anonymous tip lines/ombudsmen as a toll free # that is supposedly separate from the company and won’t tell them your name will be provided as a resource, in hopes of avoiding those lawsuits.