VC Fred Wilson's prediction: we will have a different President of the United States by the end of 2019

I agree. I would ‘like’ your post but can’t bring myself to click on a heart button. If only there was an ‘agree but hate’ button.

Consequences are for little people.

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Anyone who thinks Trump will resign is fooling themselves. He won’t resign for the sake of his kids, 'cause aside from wanting to fuck his daughter, he genuinely doesn’t care about his kids. He’s the only person who matters to himself, and stepping down from the biggest loudspeaker he’s ever had would be anathema to him. He won’t resign in 2019, 2020, or 2024.



Unlike a lot of us here, I think this does not seem too far out a prediction. It’s possible if the Mueller report has enough bombshells and credibility to create a huge public outcry, particularly amongst those Republicans who silently nod their head in approval of Mitt Romney’s recent op-ed. Romney was the GOP nominee in 2012, and now Fox News is calling him a RINO.

The GOP will be looking at how they can keep the Senate in 2020, and might test the waters on ways to keep some kind of credibility. Safe red state Republicans can do what they like, but anyone else will be sweating bullets or considering retirement. They can’t always expect their base (which now apparently consists of mostly conspiracy theorists) to save their jobs.

I think we can all agree that when the Mueller report comes out Fox News will be furiously attacking it and picking it apart anywhere they can sow doubt. My only question: will their denials and excuses be more convincing than the meticulous proof, testimony and documentation I expect the Mueller report to have.

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I’m not convinced there will ever really be a Mueller report until after the dust finally settles. His major tactic seems to be utilizing myriad prosecutorial avenues (States’ AGs, grand juries, sealed indictments) that seem to be at least in part, an attempt to both circumvent any Attorney General’s attempts to bury said report, disseminate information publicly at a metered pace (which also allows him to conceal certain tidbits like the current action against an anonymous foreign corporation) and, seemingly bring all culpable parties to heel separately so that they can be leveraged against any action at the top. He’s been pretty clear that he believes DOJ guidelines not allow for indicting a sitting president, so he seems to be spreading it around to ensure that the crooks in charge can’t cover their asses. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see nothing significant against lil donnie until Jan 2021.


Fred Wilson? This guy? The guy who said Snapchat would lead a white hot investment season? The guy who still thinks bitcoin is viable?
If you throw out enough predictions and invest in enough startups, you are bound to be right now and again… I suppose.


No, because it doesn’t work like that. If Pence goes first, Trump gets to pick his replacement. When Agnew resigned, Nixon picked Ford, who was minority leader, not speaker of the house.


I really, really doubt that. Let’s remember that Trump, when running against Clinton with all her baggage and the decades of demonization failed to win the popular vote, and only managed to eke out a narrow EC win because of razor-thin margins in enough key states. And that was when he was running as an outsider without a political record to point at, and people could still pretend he only meant the parts they liked, and the rest of his bullshit was just aimed for getting elected.

In a just world, Trump would not be the President.

I can easily see Democrat-controlled House voting to impeach – which, IIRC, needs only a simple majority – if they have good reasons to think that enough Republicans will go with them to get the 2/3 supermajority, possibly because the investigations have revealed enough lurid wrongdoing to anger the voting public and put a fear of them into GOP senators.


Yea so he got rich off of social media, doesn’t mean he knows anything about politics. You might as well interview me. I predict the Democratic Party will put their lamo neo-liberal kind into nomination and offer nothing really new and we end up voting against or for Trump.


A VP nominated by the President has to be confirmed by both houses of Congress. In the scenario we’re talking about, that’s not going to happen in the President’s favor.


How far down the Dominionist rabbit hole has Pence fallen? He firmly believes in the Rapture; is he Strangelove enough to push the shiny red button should he stumble into the presidency?


Fingers Crossed.

Because then we get President Pelosi. The ultimate fearmonger talking point for right wingers: their mean mommy who is gonna take their toys away.


I’m not sure where the claim that Mueller’s report was expected on a scheduled date comes from. First it was October and the idea was mostly being pushed by the right as an “it has to come out in October and it will contain nothing” sort of thing. Implying that the investigation had a deadline and if they didn’t hit the investigation was over or invalid.

Since October it’s been an " any minute" sort of thing. Loaded with the same implications from the right, but pie in the sky hopes and dreams from the left.

These things don’t work that way. The investigation is over when it’s over. And any final report/recommendation to Congress only comes as an end point. I don’t see any indication Mueller is prepared to wrap up, the investigation seems to have only been growing larger and more complex. And quite clearly hasn’t come to a head just yet.

Just strategically it’d be a poor idea to finish up before indictments and charges were prepared for everyone who will be charged. And before the new House is in a place to start investigating on it’s own.


That will never happen. Trump’s crimes are admirable traits to his supporters. They want a king, a person beyond our stupid system of laws, a person who demonstrates his will-to-power with actual action. To them, the more crimes he commits, the better his qualifications for being leader.

And no Republican congressperson would dare go against that. Except maybe Romney, who has a slightly different voter base, but have you seen how the Republican establishment went after him after he criticized Trump? It’s the Trump party now.


Oh, don’t be so ridic-
Shit, maybe.


No pardon.

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

I really hope not. I can see Trump’s death being spun as he died for his country. The last thing that America needs is having the orange imbecile be a martyred hero and a rush to implement all of his agenda.


Not really. It’s the party of irrationality, Nazi sympathies, and power-at-any-price. It’s the party of not giving a rat what they do to the country as long as they retain their power and privileges. It’s the party of hate and fear. It’s the party of Neanderthals trying to turn back the clock to a racist, sexist golden age that never existed except in movies and TV shows that Republicans prefer to remember instead of history. Drumpf just happens to be the front man for right now.


No, there are way too many voters who really are just that stupid and spiteful. The reason Clinton lost is because the Democrats badly underestimated just how idiotic, racist, hateful, and self-destructive the average middle American really is.


I see Romney as insincere and dishonest as Trump, but having some level of morals. He has been publicly criticizing Trump but that seems more like political posturing/positioning than him standing up to him because of his conscience. He is after all talking trash about Trump while still backing his racist agenda and desire to get that wall built.

“I would vote for the border wall,” Romney, former Republican presidential candidate, told CNN’s Jake Tapper in a Wednesday afternoon interview.

“We should have a wall on the southern border,” the former governor of Massachusetts added.

While he considers the government shutdown ― which has gone on for nearly two weeks ― an “unfortunate” situation, Romney did not directly criticize it.

So he’s either a scumbag that does believe in Trump’s agenda or he’s a coward that won’t openly stand against him. Either one is damnable in my eyes.