Vice principal in New Jersey threw beer at diners opposing his transphobic wife, now says he's sorry

Exactly. I told my coworker that I’d never want to work next to someone who exhibited those traits anyway.


Yeah, this sounds more like an “I’m sorry you were offended” than “I’m sorry I offended you.” Bu John Scalzi’s guidelines that makes this a non-pology.

IMO this guy should be at the very least suspended for a while if not expelled from school.

There are almost certainly kids in this guy’s middle school who are or are realizing they are trans. I hope there are other teachers and administrators who can give them the support they need.


I wonder what your friend would say if a schoolteacher got fired after he was on the show “To Catch a Predator” or “COPS” or something for something to do with kids…the only difference now is that everybody gets to film and share their lived reality. Consequences Culture.
(I know you already know this, reading your conversation just got me thinking.)

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He’s only sorry for the loss of beer.


And what if said schoolteacher did none of those things, but was felled anyway?

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I believe he’s sorry…

a sorry excuse for a human being.


Ah, now I see more clearly what you were dealing with. Egads, that must’ve been a frustrating conversation.

I get the whole, “if I’m off the clock, I’m off the clock,” thinking. If you want to go to kink houses or smoke weed in the off hours, it should be no one’s business. But as soon as you start assaulting someone else, I feel like the right to privacy ends.


Exactly. Cause “yup” isn’t enough characters.


Take a “woaoooooolllkkk”, cool to see no one else taking their side. Glad the rest of the people there are cool.


“World class piece of shit?” He seems more like the common everyday piece of shit to me.

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I’m not fully averse to that argument, but the thing that I always use as a litmus test for if someone is simply concerned with broader labor rights, or if labor rights are a shield for an underlying bigotry they have the sense not to speak is if they actually advocate for policies that would grant protections across the board, like doing away with at will employment and encouraging unionization.


He has made a number of statements that have (very) thinly veiled homophobic or racist undertones and he gets very angry when I’ve called him out on it. (These are all email exchanges).

I admit to becoming passive-aggressive myself by starting off my responses with “My man” or “My dude”; I even admit to just replying with “OK Boomer” once only because I didn’t feel like battling via email anymore. I’m not really proud of that one, but it’s my way of disengaging.

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Be interesting to see just how drunk in public he was at the time too.

Based on things that have happened to me at private off-work parties… generally fucking nothing will happen and everyone who does something bad will get away with whatever they want because no one wants to face the potential repercussions of being the one who makes waves. But if the thought of being caught makes people less likely to act up… GREAT! Let them know fear.


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