Originally published at: Video: A woman in Alaska springs into action when she notices a rockslide coming toward her | Boing Boing
When do people become the named for the media that they are using? She has a name no?
Yeesh. Even being near the edge of that could be deadly. The boulders are terrifying, but a 4” rock to the head could easily lay you out.
F$#% ME!
Literally the same words out of my mouth whenever I’ve been in an accident or stuck between a rock and a hard place.
ETA: Almost forgot, the time I was hit by the pickup truck and broke my back, it was like this year’s Grammys. I couldn’t get the CK out.
But most importantly, she made sure to always keep the camera pointed at her rather than at the landslide, because of course it’s always all about her.
If only she had stood there bravely to film the rocks tumbling down on her valiant sacrifice. Much more impactful that way.
That driver was “literally” (over used term) saved from being between hard place and rocks!!
That video footage is literally spectacular!
Sarah Palin could see the slide from Russia.
Yeah, she totally has an obligation to film whatever people on the Internet want her to film. How dare she film what she wants?
She makes no effort to keep the camera pointed at herself, she just doesn’t aim it at the rockslide while she is making sure she is safe. Can you maybe use not wanting to needlessly risk her life for your “women, so vain” narrative instead, or do you want to save it for the next time one dares share a video of herself?
But this is all about you now. Well done.
This is tangential, but why do Alaska accents have so much in common with Minnesota accents? Those flattened "O"s, etc.?
These folks and Sarah Palin sound like they could be from Mankato.
the link to the tictok page leads to a grid of tiles, with no indication of which is the one the article refers to.
why do you not link directly to the one in question?
Mission accomplished.
You know this is not a newspaper, right?
Welcome to BB; a free forum where we have authors and contributors, not “journalists.”
Now that I’ve watched the video, I’m impressed with how well she kept the camera on the landscape behind her where the original, smaller rock slide was happening, until she stopped, thinking the worst was over, shifted her phone/camera in her hands, and then realized a bigger rock slide was just starting, at which point, sure, we saw more of her in her panic to get the hell out of Dodge. She still had the presence of mind to protect the man driving toward the danger.
And it sounds, from the start of the video, that it was originally meant to be educational about the topography there.
Final ruling: no vanity, all practicality and heroism.