Video: Anti-vaxxers storm what they think is the BBC but show up at the wrong place

Choosing the BBC as a target stinks of pre-meditated “Culture-War” waging - As anti-BBC feeling is rife amongst the right wingers/Brexiteers/Dullards, but directing action towards healthcare has been shown to be VERY bad for your image.


It’s not that Orwellian, that’s just ad execs getting paid to write something scary. You can fill in a form once a year to tell them, ‘fuck off, I don’t have a telly’ and they leave you alone. I mean, I do have a telly, but I defy anyone to watch broadcast TV on it, so they can fuck off.


No and no.

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I feel like the equivocation between people checking a database to see who has paid for TV vs. jack-booted thugs is nuts.

Private cable companies have databases showing who pays for their services without any government help. I’ve had a private cable company threaten to bill me for their failure to disconnect cable when the previous tenant moved out and stopped paying. I told them to fuck themselves, but they did send a van around to the building to disconnect a cable (it wasn’t green, is that an important distinction?).

Do BBC employees knock on people’s door in the middle of the night in heavily armed squads to take them away to an unknown site for summary execution? Let’s not get into comparison with fascists when real fascists are actively trying to take over multiple democracies right now.


aren’t they an offshoot of the government, no

partially funded by taxes? No


You mean these tourists? /s

The current Government are no fans of the BBC, they are steadily withholding funds and blaming the BBC for loss of services that are no longer funded. They seem to be getting away with it too.


anytime i see this stuff in other countries (not the USA where i am) i can’t help saying “welcome to the party pal!” in my head:

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Can someone explain to me why these protestors are targeting the BBC for their anti-vacination/anti-mask complaints? Is the BBC somehow responsible for enforcing mask-mandates or vaccination requirements across the UK? I’m having trouble figuring out the connection.

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It’s because most of them are shit-thick fascists.


We have multiple approaches to multiple public services.

(Unlike the US, where apparently it’s all ‘government’.) :wink:

All mobbed up for nothing…



Theoretically, yes, but have you tried? I have a friend who did and they continued to hassle him so much he gave up and paid them. I mean, it’s cheaper than Netflix. Mostly.

The BBC are at stage 4 (dehumanisation) of the ten stages of genocide, regarding their news reporting on trans people. The Anti-vaxxers are almost certainly completely fine with that though, if anything they complain that the BBC doesn’t go far enough. The BBC wasn’t this bad ten years ago.


“I’m good with the BBC being part of actual creeping fascism but them expecting me to pay for it is worse than Hitler” is definitely the opinion of a far-too-large portion of the UK population, I’m sure.


I couldn’t agree more. It’s particularly galling considering the State Governments and the Health authorities have done such a brilliant job of minimizing the impact of COVID.


Perhaps the trip planner is also a Flat-Earther.

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A guy from hs was posting info against vaccines and masks, a frequently cited source was literally a guy named Vlad, who’s FB page happened to be down at the moment.


No I haven’t, but I have several friends and colleagues who have given up on terrestrial TV, they have reported no problems.

I must say I was initially surprised by this. Astoundedly sceptical, in fact. It used to be that if you owned a device that could receive TV it was up to you to prove you didn’t watch it. They wouldn’t believe you and the detector vans would hound you. If you were caught there would be heavy fines and all the back payments. Only the very staunchest of tech-phobes nowadays does not possess some kind of internet connection, which counts as a receiver.

On reflection, though, the fees are collected by government (US sense.) The current government (UK sense) hates the grand socialist project that is the BBC with a passion. If they tolerate it it is because they see its utility as a mouthpiece. (Cameron, may he burn in hell, made this very clear. It employs Laura Kuenssberg FFS.) I can very much believe that they would tell the collectors to back off. Reducing revenue still further to punish those who believe in public service, in doing things because they are right and not because they are profitable.

I wish your friends well, though, when they get caught. I hope they get a new-style slap on the wrist rather than the traditional heavy fines and maybe even a criminal record.

And whatever did happen to altruism?