Originally published at: Video: Josh Hawley is still very pleased with his January 6 actions | Boing Boing
Clearly another graduate of the Trump College of Never EVER Admit You Made a MistakeTM
I hope the committee honors him with a subpoena, and that the justice department gives him the privilege of prison time…
There’s a dominant theme among the (far) right political managers: never show the slightest indication of regret over any behavior no matter how execrable. (hat-tip to @anon15383236) It’s horrifically anti-social behavior of course, but it appears to work, like most horrifically anti-social behaviors among those who voted for trump. That is, maybe (just maybe) hawley wishes he hadn’t fist-pumped and dashed, but he’ll never do anything but deny, deflect, and run away about it.
“I may be a piece of shit, but I made money being a piece of shit” is truly the dregs at the bottom of the last-call capitalism.
Caveat; that theme only works if one has the requisite ‘complexion for the protection’…
Trump learned from Roy Cohn. Always attack. Showing repentance is a sign of weakness, and must be avoided. Project your weakness on your opponent, and don’t let up. When attacked for being a hypocrite, counterpunch harder. Repeat.
All you really need is no sense of decency.
Not even the slightest nod toward serving his constituents. This attitude is really too common in the halls of Congress.
Big “I’m not mad; you’re mad” energy.
Well, he did come close to setting a new land speed record on that day.
Are you kidding? He ran so fast that scientists as far away as South America were able to detect the relativistic effects of his motion.
::Drops mic.::
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